Sunday, September 23, 2007



The anointing that was placed upon the words "IN GOD WE TRUST" that appears on our money will never disappear.

They may remove the words, but the anointing on those words is something that will remain burned into the minds of everyone who has encountered them.

If the words on our money "IN GOD WE TRUST" were only words no one would be upset about it.

When the word "God" was originally placed upon our money, it stood for the deity of Jesus Christ (Almighty God in human form).

Proof of this is in the very nature of the attack against it.

Satan hates the anointing, because it is the anointing that breaks the yoke.

These days the word "God" in America has come to mean many things (lords many and gods many).

 Without the anointing, the word "God" is an extremely universal word; a word that could be interpreted in such a way as to offend no one.

 The truth of the matter is that the anointing reveals the gospel, and it is a gospel of offense; the offense of the cross of Jesus Christ.

T. L. Osborn, the evangelist, as he was preaching witnessed the healing power of God come upon a group of Muslims who were totally deaf and every one of them were healed.

They did not hear a single word of his sermon, yet by the anointing their ears were opened.

It is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord.

 Even when we pray we are not heard for our much speaking.

Paul the apostle said, "I do not come to you with the enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power."

The demonstration of God’s Spirit, and the power of His anointing that is upon the words "IN GOD WE TRUST" is phenomenal.

 With or without words, the anointing speaks loud and clear.


Pastor Tilson

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