Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Sunday

After helping with a garage sale on Saturday morning I decided for some strange reason to visit a family resort some fifty miles out of my way for lunch. When I arrived I asked the owner of the resort if they would be having an Easter service. He said, "I think we have one planned but we need a preacher and I can’t think of anyone more qualified than you. If you would like to stay the night, we will provide a room for you at no charge."

I went into the room they gave me and fell asleep. When I awoke there was a big beautiful full moon just rising over the hills and I knew God’s timing had arranged all this.

Early in the morning I sat in the Jacuzzi warming up and pondering all the possibilities. They had a lot of chairs set up for an outdoor service, but would anybody come. As it turned out, not only was every chair taken there were people standing under the trees waiting for the service to begin.

I believe that over thirty people prayed the sinner’s prayer and after the service I baptized
three in the Jacuzzi.

The Spirit of God just took me there and everything I did was Him. After that I visited the Calvary Chapel bible college in Murrieta. That was just as much a surprise to me as going to the resort. I had no idea that I would wind up at the bible college. I didn’t want to face the rejection or anything confrontational at the gate.

God opened the gate to me and I had the whole place to myself. It was like a ghost town all shut down for Easter. I loved it; alone with God to praise Him, to glorify Him for providing such a wonderful place for the body of Christ. The lake, the streams, the rocks and ponds; it was beautiful.

The word of the Lord came to me in a word for Chuck Smith, "Before you go on to be with the Lord set your house in order." The house of God, the many flocks that he has so faithfully been the shepherd of. Restore the ministry of the Holy Ghost that has in recent years been so severely shunned.

Another strange thing happened to me as I was walking along the hot springs. A friend called me from a church service in San Diego and said "They are beginning to pray, would you like for me to call you back." I said "No that’s ok I’ll wait." As the pastor prayed I could hear him perfectly as if I were there in the service. I joined in and began praying for him. The timing of this phone call was phenomenal and my prayer of intercession became powerful and anointed. I knew at once this pastor was living a mundane Christianity going through the motions but that God was about to move upon his life in a very powerful way.

On my way home I stopped to pray in a Catholic church. You can almost always count on the doors of a catholic church to be open; it seems they are never locked. I was telling my wife Melodi, who is visiting in Kauai, all that the Lord had done as I entering the temple. We have a new granddaughter that was starting to cry so my wife said "I better go now, I need to take care of the baby." I said "No, I want the baby to scream in the temple of God." Once inside, I knelt down and blessed the baby. I was talking to her for the first time on the phone and she was listening intently. At only three months old we could tell something of major spiritual significance was taking place

Thank you Jesus for a Spirit filled Easter.

Pastor Tilson

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