Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Recent Email

I changed the names...


I had saved your e-mail to me from two years ago and wow just re-read it.I seemed to have circled here again. Two weeks ago my daughter Mary who is now a young woman who has gotten fired up for the Lord. She wanted to know about the Jesus movement. I began doing some research to share with her and again came face to face with Lonnie. David, I am sincerely interested in knowing more about Lonnie's life.Mary bought a video on his life done by your friend I believe. It brought back so many memories of that time. I went to Calvary Chapel tonight and found myself looking back at that time and feeling that we need another revival in this place and in this country. I did not realize until I saw the film that Lonnie had been molested.

I have worked for several years in ministry with people who have been through that experience and it made me think about this.The wounds left inside a soul from that kind of experience can manifest in so many ways and one of those ways is what Lonnie went through. The lack of freedom to come out with his pain in an open environment of love and grace and liberty to confess without reproach is what trapped Lonnie. I did not know him but want to know more about his heart. I heard him preach for only a short time as I came to the Lord in 1976. He just seemed to disappear off the scene and up until I heard from you 2 years ago I knew very little about his life except I really remembered his name.He must have left a real impression on me. Can we ever chat I would really like to understand more about him from someone who really knew him. I have compassion for him. I wish that he could have been embraced into healing instead of ousted in disgrace. One of the big issues of people who have been molested is a huge weight of shame that they carry along with anger and bitterness. As I heard testimonies from the film I saw this week, I realized poor Lonnie was trapped by shame and the body that so readily embraced him in the good times, threw him away in his hard times.

Would you mind chatting some about this period with me. What Lonnie showed is what I long for. I believe that God is so real and wants to manifest himself in great power and the churches I visit have neat little rituals that include the preaching of God's word, but I do not see the fire that I once experienced as a young woman. I cried tonight when I left calvary and told the Lord that I long to see Him in power and glory and to see His spirit pour out.Where are you in your life today. What is the Lord showing you?

I do not think it was coincidence that you wrote me 2 years ago and nor is it that I saved your e-mail and that my own daugther is curious and wants to experience what we had experienced then. I am excited about one thing and that is that I believe God is going to bring revival again and its encumbent on many kindred spirits uniting in prayer and seeking his face and we will see his glory again and there will be many lost saved in large number. I really sense that.

What are your thoughts. There is so much about Lonnie that exemplifies what I am talking about. The church failed Lonnie in my opinion. They failed to show grace and to take up his cause and help him to overcome. His sin was not like the sin of gluttony that is OK in the church and they failed to understand the dynamics behind the acting out behaviour. Lonnie had to have been a very wounded man inside and I wished I had gotten to know him. I feel like I do just from the footage I have seen. But mostlyI feel like I know him in my heart. I feel I know his passion for the lost and because I worked in a ministry for the wounded in spirit and soul, I really understand his wounds that led him to acting out. He needed to be loved into healing and repentance. Jesus I know knew that about Lonnie and it must have broken His heart too. I do not condone what he did, but I think sin is sin and God forgives me of mine and so we should have been able to help Lonnie heal with love, accountability and compassion and mostly prayer.

What happened to him in the last years is what I would like to know from you. I wonder why God has me coming back to this subject again. Here is my phone number 555-555-5555 if you would care to chat with me about your dear friend and brother in Christ Lonnie. I know that we will rejoice with him in Heaven because I know in my heart that Lonnie loved Jesus in spite of his failings. May you have a blessed Easter and I hope that you are doing well. I sawyou on the film too and Steve Zereth who I had not seen in years. May I have your phone number too.

Blessings, Elizabeth

My original email to Elizabeth:

David Sloane> ,Elizabeth>> So sorry to hear you had to battle like Ging did. Praise God for His loving> care.>> I came to the Lord in 1967 through the ministry of Lonnie. And I was aclose> friend up to the end. Have you visited yet? There area few> video clips there from the frisbee movie.>> Lonnie passed away in an apartment in Balboa that John Wimber had rented for> him to enjoy in his last moments.>> It was Lonnie that had introduced me to Brant Baker. They were friends and both struggled with the same stuff. They both stepped away from the still waters of Jesus just one time too many it would seem.>> Now the interesting thing is both men were greatly anointed and used of God> inspite of their struggles. This irked the established church dudes so they> kind of tried to forget them. Along comes David Di Sabbatino to ressurect the> memory of Lonnie Frisbee.>> Then the Lord kind of prods me into putting Brant up on the net to present his> preaching to a new generation. Brant had none of the "seeker~friendly"garbage> (oops...i mean baggage) and Christianity without Christ garbage that some churches have today. He was pure gospel thru and thru! I hope to put more of> his stuff up on the net as people send it to me. There were a lot of people in> his ministry.>> Just felt the unction to send you the links this morning, glad to hear I heard> the Lord on this one.>> I believe God is showing you that you can walk in the anointing by faith inspite of what you know or think about yourself. It is based not upon human> wisdom but upon the Spirit of the Lord. Brant and Lonnie relied completly on> Jesus.They knew it was all Him and not their own skills and talents.>> I was going to Oden Fong's church in HB for awhile. Now I am just kind of hanging out with people on the net and such.>> God Bless you> David
Another email:
Joan has left a new comment on your post "Check It Out..": Hey David, good to see you back. I was just getting ready to send you an email and make sure everything was ok. Decided to check your site first and was happy to see you were back.God bless, brother. And Happy and Blessed Resurrection Sunday to you and all who come here!

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