Saturday, June 07, 2008

Cell Phones ARE NOT SAFE for your brain.

My goal here is to try to make you and your loved ones aware of the extreme dangers posed by these microwave-emitting devices. Brain Tumors are On the Rise.

In the past few years there has been a drastic increase in the number of people getting brain tumors (not to mention other cancers and disease states like Autism, ADHD, CFIDS and so on). Brain tumors are now the number-one cause of death in children in Australia and the United States (and I imagine many other countries also).

It is now being predicted by epidemiologists that within the next ten years we will see at least a 1,000 percent increase in this disease state. A major brain-tumor epidemic is just around the corner. It saddens my heart to watch all the children with their cell phones glued to their ears; they have no idea what they are in for in years to come.

Brain tumors don’t develop overnight, excess exposure to radiofrequency radiation may take 10 – 20 years before the full scope of the problem is known. The cell phone industry is just now entering the front end of that time period. If there is a problem, by the time governments take effective action to ensure cell phones are safer the damage to an entire generation will already be done.

The potential problem to our children and current young adults is staggering, since they have grown up attached to cell phones. Any damage cell phones cause will be worse in children, as their brains are still developing.

Nobody questions the fact that cell phone radiation is entering the brain of the user. The debate is on how problematic the radiation is.


Cell Phones 'Excite' Your Brain

When in use, cell phones emit an electromagnetic field. Different parts of the brain communicate via electrical signals. And people tend to press cell phones to their heads when making calls.

The researchers say they have "shown definitively" that talking on a cell phone increases electrical activity on the side of the head where the cell phone is held. The effect mostly wears off within an hour, they say.

Cell Phone Cover-Up – Is Your Brain at Risk?
No one usually believes what they read on the here are a few videos from diffrent places that visually show you the power of the microwaves coming from cell phones. They penetrate your skull and hit your brain everytime you talk on your cell phone. Watch as cell phones pop corn. No brain surgeon will use a cell phone next to his head, for good reason. They know that cell phones greatly increase your risk of brain tumors on the side of your brain that is closest to your cell phone usuage. Another thing, young men who want children should never carry a cell phone in their pockets, it damages their potential...

What can you do to protect yourself and your family? Do what the brain surgeons are doing, using wired ear phones. Not the 'Blue~tooth' wireless ear phones.

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