Saturday, March 21, 2009


When preachers say ‘don’t look at me’ it makes me think ‘don’t flatter yourself’. It reminds me of a girl that thinks every creep is staring at her. The preachers that repeatedly say ‘don’t look at me’ are usually not much to look at in the first place. I suppose Elvis could have said it with at least some level of validity but for the most part its false humility.

There is a ‘we are the enlightened ones’ mentality in the Christian lime light today that has in recent years become nothing more than a ‘circus act’ all of its own. It parades itself as a legit, calm, unemotional approach to teaching the word of God when in reality it has become governed largely by its own unique form of emotion. They allow their own judgmental emotions to run away with themselves and call reading every word of scripture cover to cover ‘declaring the whole counsel of God’. Be careful of elevated self-proclaiming groups in the body of Christ that claim to be ‘IT’.

Only God knows the heart of a person, but I strongly suspect that those who say "the days of the one man show are over and there will never be another Billy Graham" are really thinking, "the days of the one man show are over and there will never be another Billy Graham, AFTER ME !"

When Peter healed the lame beggar at the temple gate he said "Look on us." He got the beggars attention and then he gave him something. The scripture called it ‘such as I have’ (Acts 3:4-6). Peter had something to give. When Jesus commissioned his disciples he said to them, "Heal the sick" (Matthew 10:8). As a man of God, Peter knew exactly what he was capable of doing in the Lord. He knew who he was and what he was given to give.

Satan loves to perpetrate two extremes on Christians. On the one hand he loves to have Christians thinking they are nothing special and have nothing to give, and on the other hand he loves to have the elite group of Christians who say ‘don’t look at me’ and think they are it. They change the office of apostle to apologetic and proceed to straighten everyone out. Beware of the self-proclaimed apologist that thinks they set the standard for every move of God. Their forty years have expired.

Behold I do a new thing saith the Lord.

Pastor Tilson