Thursday, March 05, 2009

Reproduce in Facsimile....

I need to be very honest here, and I'm praying for wisdom as I post this. I will be as loving as possible, but there are some things that simply must be pointed out, and it cannot always be done with flowery speech....

I believe that the Body of Christ worldwide is in desperate need of spiritual discernment in this hour, at this potentially wonderful moment in the Church's history....

As I look back at some of pastor David Sloane's postings dealing with some strange conduct by some of those in the ministry, I reach a point of frustration and anger at what I see. Now, I've gone on record as declaring myself a Pentecostal, so any criticism I aim at people of my persuasion is meant to be restorative, as any rebuking of a believer (or believers) ought to be. To whom much is given, much is also required (Luke 12:48), and we in the charismatic camp have been given much indeed. So often though, instead of waiting upon the Lord for a genuine move of His Spirit, we try to 'manufacture' His wonderful presence, and in doing so, we get into the flesh. Now, this is common among younger believers, but I've seen some ridiculous displays of emotional fanaticism even among seasoned saints, and this is disturbing, to say the least. A number of full-time ministers, who are entrusted by the Lord with carrying the precious Gospel of Christ to those around them, are instead playing some pitiful 'smoke and mirrors' games, fooling people and even (maybe) themselves into believing that God's Spirit is moving mightily among them with these silly displays....

I consider myself most fortunate to have witnessed the ministries of both Kathryn Kuhlman and Brant Baker in person, and God indeed moved mightily and incredibly through both of them. Neither would ever allow any fanaticism in their meetings. If it ever began to crop up, they would publicly and instantly put an end to it with a most scriptural rebuke. They knew that the Holy Spirit was present to minister, but they never 'pumped up' the crowd with any forced excitement, yet God was clearly present. Some would vocally praise the Lord, others would weep, some would just stare into the presence of God (if you were ever at one of either of their services, you'll know just what I mean), while others would sit quietly in prayer, but people didn't just jump up and act weird, and I'll tell you- no one was ever fooled about the Presence of the Holy Spirit. He was there, and we all knew it. He was welcomed there, invited there, implored to be present, and He was WAITED UPON! If you have even once been to a service like that, I guarantee you that no clever, yelling, salesman-type preacher (I call 'em lynch mob preachers) could ever trick you again. You'd instantly know the real from the silly...

Spirit or flesh? It's up to you. Remember though- flesh will only satisfy your flesh. It can never 'creep' into your spirit and reach you where only God dwells, and it is quite temporary and empty. On the other hand, when God ministers to YOUR SPIRIT, you are changed forever. It is quite worth the wait in allowing God to touch you- you must reject every other 'touch', you must allow no substitute, no 'exciting' counterfeits- we as Christians must all learn to wait upon the Lord. Some may have no idea what I'm talking about here- you may have never really known a move of God in your life, but it is REAL, it is GENTLE, it is PURE, it is POWERFUL beyond words.....

Yes, I get angry at the perpetrators of the false teaching, the manipulation, the lies- and it is almost always Pentecostals, those who have been given so much, who push the counterfeit garbage (c'mon- that's exactly what it is!) and who make money and a 'name' for themselves off of it, but the saddest thing is that it is born-again people (again, mostly Pentecostals) who buy into it! What is going on here? Can't we wait and beseech the Lord for Himself, for His own Presence, for the genuine? How can we sit back and continue to entertain error? Why would we?...

I earnestly urge the Body of Christ worldwide to seek the very face of Jesus Christ, the One Who died for us, Who rose from the dead for our eternal life, Who loves us so deeply- more deeply than we can imagine. He will plainly make Himself known to you. He delights in being among you as you gather in His name. Cleave to Him in reality. Reject any attempts at cheap imitation....

He awaits sweet fellowship with you. Adore Him and Him only.

En Agape,
Jim Ewing