Sunday, April 19, 2009

If I Yet Pleased Men...

Galatians 1:10 "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ". The context here is that Paul is dealing with those called Judiazers- Jewish Christians who taught that certain of the Old Testament ceremonial practices were still binding on the New Testament Church, and that Gentile believers needed to adhere to them in order to be truly saved.

These men would visit churches that Paul had founded, and would attempt to undo Paul's teaching of the pure Gospel- adding that Paul was not really an authentic apostle and that he had no authority to preach the things that he taught. Paul responds with a scathing rebuke of these Judiazers in this epistle, stressing emphatically that salvation is in Christ- and in Christ ALONE. The Law could never bring life to anybody- only the grace of God could (and did), in Christ's death and resurrection......

That's the background of the opening scripture here, but the part I want to deal with at this moment are the words, "If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ". When I first read those words as a very new Christian, they immediately arrested me. I could feel (and still do) the honesty and genuineness of Paul, as well as his unfeigned passion for his Savior, and it ignited a passion in ME- a passion first for Jesus to be my entire goal in this life I lived, and second, to love Him to the point that I no longer desire to please people, or to obtain the approval or favor of others, but rather to proclaim Christ in any and every circumstance, with no apologies. Do you see? It was the Spirit of God bringing this passion to my heart, simply by my reading His Holy Word. The passion of the apostle Paul became MY passion because God brought it to me!

This is wonderful beyond words, isn't it? YOU, believer, may receive a passion for Jesus Christ like you've never before known. A passion for His calling on YOUR life, for His perfect will for you, for a love relationship with Him that will never end- He calls you, draws you constantly, "Come unto Me, come unto Me" with an infinite love. You will read a scripture and it will jump out at you, and you'll see something there that you never quite saw before, even if you've been reading His Word for many years! The Spirit of the Lord will bring truth to you, He'll bring comfort to you, He'll give you just what you personally need for that moment.......

The Law could not do this- it was never designed to, so God placed into the hearts of His people the glorious expectation of Messiah, His own Son, Who's ultimate sacrifice would not merely cover their sin for a time (as the blood of bulls and goats did under the old covenant), but would actually take their sin away- and would do something else that the Law could never do- restore LIFE to mankind by His own resurrection from the dead. Our own resurrection from the dead unto eternal life will surely follow, for His own was the guarantee. Every Christian may have all that God has for them, if they simply want it. Not very complicated, is it? The Holy Spirit longs (yes- longs) to move in and through you, to bless you beyond measure, and in turn, you'll want to bless others, by that same Spirit......

The next time you begin to read God's Word, allow His Spirit to speak to you- don't try to force anything, just be open to Him, seeking Him, worshipping Him. You'll begin to notice a closeness and an affection welling up in your heart for Him, you'll want to spend time with Him, and an intimate love relationship will develop as you continue after Him. I pray that God would grant this wonderful blessing to all of you, His beloved children...

En Agape,
Pastor Jim Ewing