Sunday, September 13, 2009

I just sent out an email to a man of God. The Holy Spirit stirred me up as I typed through the blurry tears trying to see the keys.
After I sent off the email I reread what was typed and got stirred up some more.
We old timers from the days of the Jesus People Movement know of the power of God. We know what is possible.
Today there is a new generation attempting to go beyond the borders of where we have stopped in a sense. They are exploring moving the Legos blocks of this physical realm in the attempt to have spirituality take place.
Those of us who were' under the spout where the glory comes out' in the days of our youth know that their attempts will not work. Why?
Because it is only the touch of the Holy Spirit that can reach deep down into a person and change their life.
To clarify what I mean I give out an assignment. I want you to sit down and listen to an old audio. Sure it is old and scratchy, but God comes across to you from it. When you have the time and won't be disturbed I want you to sit back and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to your heart.
My friend Erik uploaded this a few years back from the Brownsville Revival:
Here is just a small example of an evangelist under the anointing of God: