Friday, February 19, 2010

An interesting study...
Movements vs. Methods
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leaders and others within Calvary Chapel with over 80 respondents. ... decline in attendance. This means that less young adults are looking to Calvary Chapel

“Calvary Chapel never asks for money. We avoid pressuring our members for ‘faith pledges’ and no appeal for funds
is ever made over our radio or television outreaches. Our feeling is that begging for money brings discredit to God.”
- Harvest, pp. 14

Ya but umm...recall that 'Jesus People Reunion' at the Anaheim Duck Pond? 16,000 Jesus People back in 1999 on Saturday the 24th, "our 30th high school reunion." The message that day was, "The all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ."

You kind of told us that the event ran Calvary Chapel eighty thousand dollars prior to passing the donation buckets turned red faced, smiled big and made an immediate attempt to negate the comment by saying something like, "And if you have needs, dig in as the bucket passes by you." Lol, someone took off their tennis shoes and put them in the bucket at that particular collection. Don't quite know to this day what the shoeless person was trying to convey.

To err is to make a mistake. To make a mistake is human. Humans are not perfect. They make mistakes. To make a mistake is to be human.

To err is human; to forgive, infrequent.
Franklin P. AdamsUS journalist (1881 - 1960)

In all honesty that was the only time I have ever heard you mention an events cost publicly in over 40 years! That is an incredible testimony to the statement, "When God guides, God provides. The calling of God is the enabling of God. God doesn't call the qualified, He makes those whom He calls qualified."

Recently a local church named after our local mountain around here put out a call for funds to remain in existence. Something about the 'needs' of ministering to people. The faithful of God responded to the tune of around 10 million $.

I can only imagine what came in those buckets that day when the Grand Father of the Jesus People Movement gave his only call for funds ever in a sense to his spiritual children and grand children. I hope they responded in a wonderful way even to the point of giving their shoes...for that was indeed a worthy cause to give to.

We all had such a blessed time together. Darrell Mansfield, Daniel Amos, Malcolm and Alwyn, Mustard Seed Faith, Parable, Kenn Gulliksen, The Way, Ernie and Debbie Retino, and Love Song were all present. Well, there was one obvious absentee, The Children of the Day. Something about Marsha.

For Those Tears I Died and "Children of the Day"
Shortly after becoming a born-again Christian in 1969, Stevens-Pino wrote "For Those Tears I Died (Come to the Water)", a song that was to become widely known and sung in Christian churches and youth-groups across the United States. Utilizing her songwriting and singing talents with sister Wendy Carter and friends Peter Jacobs and Russ Stevens, the Contemporary Christian Music group known as "Children of the Day" was formed. An entry in The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music states: "If Larry Norman is to be called the father of Christian Rock, then Marsha Stevens certainly deserves to be known as the mother of contemporary Christian music...She was the leader of what is considered to be the world's first contemporary Christian music group, Children of the Day, and she has continued as a solo artist to produce albums of worship-oriented and edifying adult contemporary pop. As such, she remains the progenitor of what, by 2002, would become the single most popular genre in the contemporary Christian music market."

Today Marsha has cooties. As a result Stevens-Pino reports that more than once she has received, by mail, ripped out and torn up hymnal and songbook pages upon which was printed, For Those Tears I Died. Way to go you expressive loving xthians!