Friday, April 23, 2010

I'd like to elaborate on my last message for a bit. This will be of interest to anyone who wants to be truly used of God.

Let's understand that, while the Lord has placed very different callings on individual Christians, it is the same Lord who does the calling. He will sovereignty choose one of His children for a specific ministry or even for various 'errands', at His own discretion and for His own purposes, as He sees fit. We do not choose our callings. Let me repeat- we do not choose our callings. A person who truly wants to be used of God will yield his or her mind and will up to the Lord in a spiritual act of worship, seeking to be placed wherever the Holy Spirit would lead. This is an extremely personal and intimate act, one which will often take much time and thought, as we prayerfully discern and differentiate the Lord's will from our own. If we will persist in looking to God, trusting the Holy Spirit to direct us, He will be faithful to guide us into our individual place in the body of Christ. In time, you will be able to discern the promptings of His Spirit more and more clearly as you look to Him. He may give you a passion for a specific sphere of service, or just a simple impression that you should follow a certain course of action- the main thing is to always remain flexible and open to His will....

I have a particular love for missionaries- mostly because it seems to make so little sense (in the natural) to go through all of the preparation necessary to travel to another part of the world, often times to live in poorer circumstances, with far more difficulties, and often with little acclaim- they tend to be so giving, so sacrificing (not unlike the Savior they follow- you can see the 'imprint' of His compassion in their lives, can't you)? You just know that it has to be a calling of God- How many people do you know who have a passion for people in poor surroundings and conditions- so much of a Passion that they willingly leave a secure and peaceful life to go and live among them, sharing the love of Christ sacrificially with them? I once asked a sweet missionary lady who was taking a class at the bible college I attended (shortly before she went back to the field), "Evelyn, do you have to have a calling from God to go to the mission field?" She looked right into my eyes and replied, "No, but you do to STAY there." I just sat there and thought, 'wow!- Here's a lady who knows her Savior!'.....

When I was a couple months old in the Lord, I asked a visiting Assembly of God evangelist, Bill Hayes, how I could know if I was called to full-time ministry. His reply? "Try to do anything else!" He'd made his point.... I knew a guy from church who worked in construction. He said to me, "That's my mission field- the people I work with." Different callings- same Lord. Talk with an elderly widow who for years has prayed daily for her pastor and congregation and you see such a sweet spirit and a depth of faith that will humble you.....

I believe that God has called some people to very affluent surroundings, having much influence and many of the world's goods- and that's perfectly fine, too, but is it YOUR particular calling? If it is, then great. If not, though, and if you're a child of God, you'll never be content in such circumstances. Let me elaborate- I have a passion for a certain sphere of ministry, and it's because God has placed it there. It's not to pastor a certain flock, but to minister in many places, yet I have friends whom God has called to minister to one particular group of people- and they do it with great fervor, because God has led them there......

One of my missionary friends will point to a map of the country she serves in and say,"THAT'S where my heart is." Now, that's not where MY heart is, but God's heart is certainly there, and He's placed that passion in her- Wonderful, isn't it? The Spirit of God will 'ta p' one of His children on the shoulder and say, "This is what I want you to do" or "That is where I want you to go". There's nothing more personal, nothing more precious, is there? Jesus loves us so deeply...Seek His face- desire HIM with all your heart, and you'll find that He has a wonderful and specific calling on YOUR life! May the Lord bless you greatly.

pastor Jim Ewing