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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chibi Ikeada Testimony

To hear her testimony. Chibi Ikeada's realitives and friends in Tokyo, Japan must think she just flies to the United States to attend Shekinah.

Each time she has visited, God has healed her in a miraculous way.

For seven years, Chibi suffered with kidney stones and liver ailments. She was in and out of hospitals for treatments. July, 1974, Chibi flew to the United States to visit a friend, Florence Hayashida. The next day, the twentieth, Florence brought her to a divine healing service.

During the service, several sisters and a brother minister approached Chibi to pray with her for God to heal her. And He did.

Usually suffering from insomnia, Chibi slept soundly that night, she recalls. Swelling on her face and fingers, associated with her illness, completely dissappeared. Later, when she removed her contact lenses, she realized God healed her near sightedness also.

She returned to her home in Japan to testify and validate her healings with physicians.

Returning later on August 3rd, Chibi brought with her letters confirming her miracles. Again God touched her at the service and took away her enlarged tailbone condition, which often kept her bedridden. The greatest healing of all also occurred. "God saved me," she proclaims, "And I became filled with the Holy Spirit." Again she returned to Japan.

Chibi returned a third time, December, 1974. Again, God touched her. This time He healed her spinal affliction. "I felt a chill, then I became very hot," she recalls, describing the feeling. Friends near her attest to the radiant glow about Chibi during her healing.

In all her trips, it is estimated Chibi Ikeada has flown about 25,000 miles from Japan to Califiornia to testify of God's grace.

This testimony first appeared in the Shekinah Fellowship magazine Vol. 1, No 1, Page 14, Spring of 1975

Editors note:
One does not take the time, expense, and effort to fly 25,000 miles to bare false witness of healings that never happened. Think about it...what would be the point?