Sunday, May 09, 2010

David's Art

Yes, just like Charles Spurgeon that famous anointed Baptist, I enjoy a good cigar every now and then while painting in my studio.

Check this out, here you see just how anointed this great man of God was...

"In 1857, a day or two before preaching at the Crystal Palace, I went to decide where the platform should be fixed; and, in order to test the acoustic properties of the building, cried in a loud voice, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world."
In one of the galleries, a workman, who knew nothing of what was being done, heard the words, and they came like a message from heaven to his soul. He was smitten with conviction on account of sin, put down his tools, went home, and there, after a season of spiritual struggling, found peace and life by beholding the Lamb of God. Years after, he told this story to one who visited him on his death-bed.