Friday, May 21, 2010

Years ago I had the privilege of being a word of knowledge worker in Shekinah Fellowship in Long Beach,

It didn't take much to impress me about almost anything the Lord was doing in our midst. It still doesn't.

There was a song which was called the Shekinah Song. Lilly Green sang it. She was not only a
talented vocalist, but her sincerity shone through, and the words have left a life long impression on me.

I had to e-mail my Shekinah friend Suzie Dixon to be sure I remembered the words correctly.

"Before you ask me, I will answer.....Before you listen, I will call"

Maybe our lives would be a lot easier if we started listening, knowing that God could get through to us if we could learn to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

Yes I know, some Christian denominations rarely even mention the Holy Spirit, and when they do it's just a reference to that unfamiliar third person of the Trinity.

Hopefully, if you're reading this you're well past that. Living in communication and sensitivity with the Holy Spirit is the only way to live a powerful Christian life, much less the sensible game plan.

19th century's evangelist CH Spurgeon asked: "Do we not too often run before His call and act
independently of His aid?" Let me just answer for all of us – uh huh!

There's something indescribably comforting about knowing that God is right at your shoulder; the Holy Spirit whispering softly in your ear. Don't react in the flesh to what's coming at you - listen first to the whisper, because the answer is already there, and too the provision to get you through any challenge put to you.

Cherish the holiness, the sacredness, the consuming peace of having the Holy Spirit carefully teaching, guiding our decisions, our lives.

Holy Spirit of God, of unconditional love, be very much with us, teaching us to listen and to be sensitive again. Lift us up that we may humbly serve You.

"Do not smother the Holy Spirit"
I Thessalonians 5:19

How vividly I recall the discussions I had with my friend Brant Baker. Sometimes we'd be hours on end in
conversation. Brant was a faith healer. God had blessed him with a gift that few will ever have. He would
pray with people and they would be "slain in the Spirit" (as we often call it). Miracle healings ensued. The
Apostle Peter had this special gift too. In any given century, there are usually a few people on the earth who
have this special gift in a mighty way, accompanied by exceptional power of the Holy Spirit.

Reflecting on my friendships of a spiritual nature throughout my journey, there are four people who, in my
mind, have been true disciples, diligently serving Jesus as their number one priority. Three are still alive.
That said, Brant would not be among them. Without question he had the anointing of God, but I think he was
careless with it. Borrowing imagery from an unknown source, I would say that his ministry was likened to a
shooting star. So brilliant, yet so brief. God took him home at a young age.

Brant and I used to talk about the presence of Jesus. He advised me that he was able to tell when Jesus
would withdraw His presence. This always fascinated me, and believe me, we spent many hours on that
one. The only instance when I was acutely aware of this, was during a time when I was attending a former
church. They were in a fund raising campaign, hoping to build a new facility. At the morning service when
annual pledges were collected, there was something hanging on the alter which could be compared, I
believe, to baal worship. Little samples of the same thing were handed out to those pledging. Suddenly I
literally felt Jesus walk out of the sanctuary, and simultaneously felt God's hand lifted off of the church
finances. To date, years later, no progress has been made in meeting the church's financial goals. Let's
face it, God will have no other worship than that of God's only begotten son. That congregation has not
flourished, neither are they realizing the miracles that churches all around them are experiencing.

So, after 65 years, I have learned two things. Having a special anointing from God does not mean that
you've "gotten it all together" in your personal life. And, secondly, Brant was right. Jesus certainly does
withdraw His presence when He is not honored.

The Bible more than hints that God longs to be in an intimate relationship with us. This happens through
Jesus. To continually turn away from what we know is the right thing to do, and that, by the still small voice of
the Holy Spirit, will at some point cause Jesus to walk away from anyone. Yes, Jesus is the servant of all, but
to treat Him as a house servant at our beck and call when we find ourselves in need of some assistance –
we've missed the point. He's long left the building.

Once again, we've got to want Him. We have to come to the place where what we want most is Jesus being
an intimate part of out lives, literally walking and talking with Him. Sincerely seeking Him will draw Him to us.
He wants to be wanted. If what we do in our private time, if we invite Him to be with us, and mean it,
Jesus will draw near.

"You will find Me when you seek Me with all you've got"
Jeremiah 29:14

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