Friday, June 11, 2010

Stay Up Dated On Noah's Ark Discovery
"The significance of this find is that for the first time in history the discovery of Noah's Ark is well documented and revealed to the worldwide community," Aalten said "There's a tremendous amount of solid evidence that the structure found on Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey is the legendary Ark of Noah,"
Fox news

Roof/window/skylight/opening for the ark. Finish it to a cubit (18 inches or about half a meter). OR Make it 18 inches high. Or leave 18 inches above it. OR…”. Well, you get the idea. The Hebrew word translated “window” or “roof” is only used once in the entire Bible so there’s no other context to compare it to. And it is different from either of the normal words used in the Hebrew for roof or window. Some scholars think maybe it meant some kind of window or skylight or opening around the top of the ark to let in light and air. Other scholars thought it meant a roof, specifically a sloped roof. Most older versions translated it as an 18 inch window. Many newer versions translate it as an 18 inch space between the roof and the sides of the ark – like a kind of ventilation. Others translate it as a roof that is 18 inches high at its peak – thus being very slightly sloped. One of the groups here translated it as a roof with the eaves extending 18 inches beyond the sides of the ark. To them that is what made sense because it would keep the rain out. Well, it turns out that according to some commentaries, that is also an option.

For an interesting discussion I found on the net see