Sunday, August 14, 2011


TIL in 1945 Soviets presented America a gift of the Great Seal of the US at the end of WWII, in 1952 the US finally realized it contained a listening bug

Body type: Form vs function

On this day 146 years ago, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis died in an insane asylum. He was there for claiming that doctors washing hands between autopsies and births would save thousands of lives. They insisted that "a gentleman's hands are always clean" and didn't relent for 21 years. Hats off to this guy.

TIL Chinese Pizza Huts removed all salad bars as patrons would exploit the 'one bowl' rule by constructing massive vegetable towers.

The ever-expanding definition of corporate personhood: "[W]hen a corporation can claim it is a person with constitutional rights, it means their lawyers can go into court and overturn democratically enacted laws."

"As the Perseid meteor shower begins to subside, there is one observer who was perfectly positioned to take a photograph where the skies are guaranteed to be clear from cloud. NASA astronaut Ron Garan — who is currently living aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as part of Expedition 27 — captured this stunning photograph of a Perseid out of the ISS window."

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