Saturday, October 29, 2011

An Email From An Old 'Jesus People' Friend

The Jesus People experienced an incredible outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the last few generations have not experienced. There were things that most today would doubt because of the miraculous elements involved. Some will not share their experiences because no one would believe it. Here is a brother who is willing to open up and share his experience as a young man. For those who don't know, the Blue Top Motel was where Lonnie Frisbee lived with his wife. There were other units filled with the Jesus People.


I want to thank you for your email. It will be off the record. I have received many emails in my days but this last one has the signature
of the Most High all through it. We have seen and beheld the glory of the Lord of Hosts. I too have experienced The Holy Spirit in a powerful
way. An Angel of the Lord woke me one night in 1969 as I was sleeping in my VW camper van in the Blue Top parking lot. It was in Feb. and the nights were 
very cold. I woke up because the presence of God was so heavy and the Holy Spirit was like fire in the van. An Angel of the Lord was in the van but it
 was so large its wings stuck up through the roof. The brightness was like the Sun and the angel was reading from a rather large book and the 
text was from Isaiah. The angel was explaining the scripture and why it was being fulfilled and calling me by name and ministering to me.
You are right when you say we experienced God during the Jesus movement. The oil of the Holy Spirit was all over us we were the anointed ones.
When I was saved at the House of Miracles and prayed with Lonnie the same night I was baptized by the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues and moved freely
in the gifts of the Spirit. When we were traveling playing music and sharing the gospel God gave me a word of knowledge when we were playing on stage for people
 in the crowd. We were walking in the book of Acts.
I appreciate you sharing with me your feeling and what God has put on your heart. I couldn't agree more and have experienced first hand what you have to share re: CCCM.

God is going to move through those who do love Jesus.
Thank you again for sharing and I want very much to be one of those who will be used of God and be pure of heart and vessel for the potter.

Dave Burgin

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