Sunday, November 20, 2011

Common Sense..."YOU" Are Not Actually Free At All... These People Are No Different Than You. Your Country Owns YOU.

It's time protestors got smart and a little bit media savvy. Why not bring large American flags to your protests? There are two benefits to this

This is getting out of hand. It's like Congress hasn't even read the Bill of Rights and I know this is probably a beaten horse but as a Law Student I can't help but bring this up.
In the United States there are THREE types of Free Speech (Full Protected, Limited Protection, Unprotected).
Full Protection: The Government CANNOT prohibit or regulate this speech and Americans should not fear CENSOR/ARREST/IMPRISONMENT for expressing his or her thoughts. This is EXPLICITLY POLITICAL SPEECH.
Limited Protection: Government can regulate time, place, and manner. This is only for COMMERCIAL SPEECH, OFFENSIVE SPEECH, and SPEECH OVER THE INTERNET. <-- This is how OWS is being treated. It's like there's some loophole that they think it's commercial speech but it's not -- it's Political.
Unprotected: Dangerous Speech, Fighting words, Speech Incites VIOLENT overthrow of government, defamatory language, Child Pornography. <-- It's not Dangerous unless you're the banks (not physically but financially/ideologically). It doesn't Incite a VIOLENT overthrow (they're all peaceful protestors), it's not defamatory, and it's obviously not child pornography.
Why are they getting away with this? (obviously a rhetorical question).

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