Saturday, November 19, 2011

Drop Your iPad And It Is Toast

These can take a licking and keep on ticking:

"'Sometime early next year, Ford will mail USB sticks to about 250,000 owners of vehicles with its advanced touchscreen control panel. The stick will contain a major upgrade to the software for that screen. With it, Ford breaks the model in which the technology in a car essentially stayed unchanged from assembly line to junk yard' — and Ford becomes a software company.
This shift created a hot new tech job at Ford: human-machine interface engineers — people who come from a range of backgrounds, from software development to mechanical engineers, and who can live in the worlds of art and science at once."

"FXI Technologies has taken a dual core smartphone-esque computer and put it into a little USB stick. Neat. This allows you to plug into anything with a screen, USB port, and input device and run your own instance of Android. It weighs 21 grams and contains 'a dual-core 1.2-GHz Samsung Exynos ARM CPU (same as in the Galaxy S II), 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, HDMI-out and a microSD card slot for memory.'"
"Remember how the Stop Online Piracy Act would make streaming of copyrighted material a felony? Many of these lawmakers actually stream copyrighted videos on their websites." However, that's not the whole story. according to a followup at Ars Technica to the tweeted claims about streaming and SOPA. From which:"The Electronic Frontier Foundation tweeted the post, and it was re-tweeted more than 100 times. So are the sponsors of SOPA hypocrites? We're not fans of SOPA, so we'd love to have this story check out. But we're also a news site, so we contacted James Grimmelmann, a copyright scholar at New York Law School, (and judging from his tweets, not a SOPA supporter) to get his expert opinion.

The Internet Is Fighting Hollywood's Blacklist Bill By Censoring Itself — Maybe you recall hearing about the PROTECT-IP Act, the $200 million Hollywood-funded Senate bill that aims to stop online piracy by doing things li... 

Amazing Video of Dare Devil Pilot Pulling off an Epic Landing on a Ship — Harrowing footage of test pilots landing a Lynx Mark 90B helicopter on a pitching and weaving Knud Rasmussen class Patrol Ship. Part of a limitatio... 

New York City Police Are Using Sound Cannons Against #ows Demonstrators — Rutgers undergrad student Joshua Paul snaps this photograph of a Long Range Accoustic Device (LRAD) that the police are using to disperse demonstra... 

Police Slam Supreme Court Judge Against a Wall at #OWS — New York Supreme Court Judge Karen Smith (ret) as reported here is the newest notable American whose presence at Occupy Wall Street’s demonstration... 

While Reading Off Her Teleprompter Sarah Palin Calls OWS ill Informed — Sarah Palin attacked Occupy Wall Street protesters as ill informed. The problem is that she had to read her attack off of her own teleprompter. Sea... 

Occupy L.A. Files Restraining Order Against the Cops — The L.A. occupiers aren't going to wait quietly for another Zuccotti Park-esque police raid. 

Insight: Why Wall Street still doesn't get it — NEW YORK (Reuters) - It was a telling moment at the height of the Occupy Wall Street protests.John Paulson, the hedge-fund trader who famously made... 

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