Sunday, November 13, 2011

Just More Internet Fluff I Found...

"The biggest misperception about [the Stop Online Piracy Act] is that it is somehow unprecedented or extraordinary. It is not. SOPA represents just the latest example of copyright law defined and controlled not by the government but by private entities. Copyright owners will deploy SOPA in the same way they have behaved in the past: to extend out their rights. They will disrupt sites that do not infringe a copyright, interfere with fair uses of copyrighted works, and take other steps that evade the limits that the Copyright Act sets on a copyright owner's actual rights."Dog sleeping in the Heather
(SSS)Homeland Security’s ICE unit wanted Mozilla to pull a Firefox add-on that allows the public to circumvent domains seizures. Unfortunately for them Mozilla denied the request, arguing that this type of censorship may threaten the open Internet
TIL A senator from Alaska read 4,100 pages of the pentagon papers on the floor on Congress and into the Congressional Record to bring to light the lies surrounding the Vietnam War

TIL that Usain Bolt broke the world record in the 100 metres event with his shoelace undone 

"God Knows How to Pick 'Em" - At least 4 of the Republican candidates say God told them to run for president. 

My parents took our Shih Tzu for a hike today...

My puppy had his "manhood" removed... He hasn't moved for three hours... 

TIL caffeine was actually evolved as a natural insecticide, and that it paralyzes/kills insects who try to eat the plants. 

I see your hunting beasts and raise you a dog that wiped out wolves from Ireland. The Irish Wolfhound 

That there’s still even “debate” over whether the United States should engage in torture is a national embarrassment

My dog's face when I tell him he can't have another cookie 

Well, at least the Tibetan Mastiff starts off cute.

Scottish school removes concrete play area and replaces with "Urban Jungle" containing trees, hills, boulders and tunnels. Over a 2 year period results in 80% fewer accidents! 

He has a lot of kindness and patience. He's a good boy. 12 this year. Time flies.

Urban Sprawl - Tokyo as seen from a helicopter

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