Friday, December 09, 2011

Destino (2003)

As unlikely as it seems, there’s no mistaking Disney’s short film Destino as a collaborative project with surreal maestro Salvador DalĂ­. Melting faces, shapeshifting ants, and uncanny eyeballs galore, Destino was an endeavor that began in 1945 and almost never saw the light of day. Financial woes that plagued Disney during World War II slowed production across the board.

Destino was resurrected in the late ’90s by Disney Studios France and rebuilt from the original storyboards. The animation is a classic example of the avant-garde experiments that sadly many of Mickey’s audiences know little or nothing about.
Scrolling, scrolling scrolling... HEY!

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Microsoft decreases the cut it’ll take from app developers — Microsoft has decided to decrease its cut to 30 percent of application sales revenue from programs sold in the Windows Store. 

For Some, New Google Brain Implants Raise Privacy Concerns — For Some, New Google Brain Implants Raise Privacy Concerns 

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How To Set Up A Google+ Page — How to set up, develop, and leverage a good Google+ page as part of a social media strategy for businesses, brands, organizations, and public figures. 

Microsoft offers Windows 8 developers a better deal than most app?stores — When Microsoft Windows 8 launches in 2012, it's going after developers with one thing that truly matters to many of them: money. The new op... 

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