Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My daughter is not a morning person. (i.imgur.com)

I am voting for Ron Paul not because I agree with everything believes, but because the things I disagree with simply do not matter if I am not free.

TIL The Lakota Sioux Native American tribe owns the land Mount Rushmore is built upon through a treaty with the United States. They want to destroy Mount Rushmore because it is on land the government stole, it lies on sacred ground, and the monument celebrates the killings of their people. (pbs.org)

TIL that millions of people believe that the Arc of the Covenant is located in a small church in Ethiopia (sacred-destinations.com)

FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists (greenisthenewred.com) Loss of freedom for journalist?

Painters on the cables of the Brooklyn Bridge, October 7, 1914. They make a chord?

ABC News: Ron Paul has succeeded in changing the dialogue in America (abcnews.go.com)

I don't care what you think about whether or not the detention clause in NDAA applies to Americans, it shouldn't apply to anyone; no human being should ever be held indefinitely, or without the right to a fair trial...
Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Dennis Kucinich on the NDAA and ‘War Without End’.
US military: unconstitutional orders are unlawful; defend Americans, don’t NDAA “disappear” them

Father Nathan Monk tells the City Council, "We have the right to redress our government without fear of being arrested," and is nearly arrested.

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