Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cloaking or Solar Hurricane?

Invisibility cloaks are a popular trope in fantasy and science fiction, from Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter. In the real world, scientists have been tinkering with cloaking devices for several years (using microwaves, light refraction, and other methods), but haven’t yet come up with a practical way to render objects invisible. Until today...(Theme song)

I saw a massive cloaking test today or at least it seemed as such. My wife and I were standing on the Huntington beach pier when we couldn't help but notice that something very weird was taking place in front of our eyes. It was miles wide, extending from the harbor way out into the ocean. This was not fog. Visibility was clear as far as the eye could see. Catalina Island was visible.

Now you have to understand that both of us have lived here all of our lives. we know what the Long Beach coastline looks like from the pier. Today there was a mirage of sorts reflecting the buildings and landscape features. It shimmered and hid some of the view. The white Spruce Goose building seemed to shape shift right before our eyes. Becoming a hugh white mushroom that danced around.

And then the buildings were reflected in a very distorted way. The strange thing was that the wind was a cold westerly wind from the ocean so there wasn't any heat that could cause a mirage.. We watched in amazement as the thing shape shifted and undulated. I sensed that it could be some sort of a cloaking test by the Navy...who knows. My mind raced for answers. There was a column that could be seen that mysteriously moved out and away from us that looked like a small tower embedded in sort of a fog. Only problem was that it was a crystal clear day with no fog to be seen any where..except for what we were viewing. It was like a flexible fun house mirror that kept slowly moving, reflecting and distorting. But it wasn't like a heat wave or anything else I have ever seen before.

We stood and watched this strange phenomena as hundreds of people went about their business all around us with out even noticing. They walked the pier, played in the ocean on this sunny day. Only a few people seemed to be paying attention to what we were seeing,  I knew the average person wouldn't notice because few people even notice the spraying going on over head on most days.  The Palos Verdes Hills had most of the leading edge completely vanish while we watched. Now this was truly something strange indeed!

Here is one example:

Here is the technical rocket science explanation behind what we may have witnessed.

“Using these nanotube sheets, concealment can be realized over the entire optical range and rapidly turned on and off at will, using either electrical heating or a pulse of electromagnetic radiation. The research results also provide useful insights into the optimization of nanotube sheets as thermoacoustic projectors for loud speaker and sonar applications, where sound is produced by heating an alternating electrical current.”

Ok...I had my fun with the conspiracy angle point to this story...

Now the less exciting reality of all this is "Electromagnetic Radiation" hitting the earth from the sun. There is a hugh "Solar Storm" going on right now from the sun.
The sun goes through an 11 year cycle where sunspots come and go on the suns surface. During the peak of the cycle, solar storms occur.
Solar storms start with powerful magnetic fields in the sun which can snap at any time releasing immense amounts of energy into space. Some of the solar particles from the explosion could hit earth at about a million miles an hour.
Usually the magnetosphere, a protective shield created by the earth's magnetic field, blocks most of the solar particles keeping damage to a minimum. Unfortunately the magnetosphere has been weakening recently and its ability to protect earth has been reduced.
Another concern is that researchers predict the next solar peak will be 30% to 50% stronger than the last one which occurred in 2001. Solar flares have done considerable damage to the earth in the past, even when our magnetosphere was strong.

With all of the experiments going on using Haarp one wonders if the magnetosphere is weakened. Could this be the cause of the strange light bending views going on that my wife and I witnessed today? I do think that we saw what the solar storm does when it hits light photons and scatters them. Now the Xfiles element to this story is that when I  viewed the videos of all of this that I had taken with my phone, none of what we had seen had even showed up! (Break into the Xfiles opening credit song)

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