Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Welcome 2013

The House of Representatives failed to vote on the "fiscal cliff" deal before midnight, technically sending the U.S. over the fiscal cliff. The White House and Senate, however, reached an agreement at the last minute to allow for some tax increases, and a House vote approving it is expected in the next day or two: "The agreement came together after negotiators cleared two final hurdles involving the estate tax and automatic spending cuts set to hit the Pentagon and other federal agencies later this week. Republicans gave ground on the spending cuts, known as the sequester, by agreeing to a two-month delay paid for in part with fresh tax revenue, a condition they had resisted. White House officials yielded to GOP wishes on how to handle estate taxes, aides said." The battle over required spending cuts has predictably been delayed for another day, making the deal far from complete

i always love a good conspiracy!
Most here know that I in no way can believe that man has ever landed on the moon because of the Van Allen radiation belt surrounding us.  The cold war 'one~up~manship' with Russia during the time of the ruse is why the lie came about (1)...here is something (2) that on the surface may not seem (3) like much but it does bring in to question Neil's truthfulness in a way. I personally believe he was a liar for NASA (Never Any Straight Answers) and the government. You see, the thing about humans is that we have a really short attention span, and really bad memories.

I believe the Van Allen Radiation Belt is something that God designed to quarantine mankind upon the earth. It is part of the Master Creator's plan of Creation. No escape to infect other planets with humans. Come on, take a long hard look at the crime and the wars and such that humans do where ever they go.

Just near earth orbit travel for humans. Consensus orthodoxy moon landing programing vs hard radiation facts? Ever wonder why X~ray areas have lead walls and why they put lead shields on you when you get x~rayed? Plastic, aluminium and fabric cannot stop radiation. The space vehicles contain no heavy lead! Deductive reasoning leads us to a logical conclusion...man can't go into deep space. The radiation of space is stronger then medical xrays and medical xrays require lead shields, therefore, you do the math...

"My God, space is radioactive!"
It is said that one of Dr. James Van Allen's colleagues uttered this phrase upon the discovery of energized particle belts surrounding the Earth.

Naturally we common place garden variety earthlings have no way of knowing if any of the above is truth or not. Therefore any discussion on the topic remains in the conspiracy realm and will always be controversial and relegated to the X~Files where FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully will be investigating.  Until then...

One thing I am totally certain about is that Mulder is a believer and Scully is a skeptic.

"In an upcoming BBC Documentary, Dean Armstrong, the brother of astronaut Neil Armstrong, reveals when the world famous 'one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind' line originated. For years, people have argued over when Armstrong came up with the line, whether it was on the spot or planned years ahead. Also debated is whether Armstrong meant to include 'a' before man, making the indefinite article 'man', which alludes to mankind, into a singular, 'a man', himself. According to Dean Armstrong, the quote was shared to him over a board game, months before the mission began. He says, 'We started playing Risk and then he [Neil] slipped me a piece of paper and said 'read that'. I did. On that piece of paper there was 'That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind'. He says 'what do you think about that?' I said 'fabulous'. He said 'I thought you might like that, but I wanted you to read it'. He then added: 'It was 'that is one small step for A man''. Armstrong had always insisted that he had said 'a', that that it was lost in communication static. This new story however conflicts with what Neil told James Hansen for his biography, stating he came up with the quote on the lunar surface. More on the historic moon landing and the life of Neil Armstrong in the new documentary Neil Armstrong- First Man on the Moon, on BBC."

The space ruse is about to ramp up it's cold head once again...
An anonymous reader sends word that the Russian Space industry will be getting a big boost over the next eight years. Prime Minister Medvedev has approved $68.71 billion in space-related funding from 2013 to 2020. That's a huge increase from the $3.3 billion spent annually in 2010 and 2011. The increased funding is one of several efforts to restoring Russia's slowly fading spaceflight capabilities. "The failure of a workhorse Proton rocket after launch in August caused the multimillion-dollar loss of an Indonesian and a Russian satellite. A similar problem caused the loss of a $265 million communications satellite last year. Medvedev criticized the state of the industry in August, saying problems were costing Russia prestige and money." Medvedev said, "The program will enable our country to effectively participate in forward-looking projects, such as the International Space Station, the study of the Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies in the solar system."

Russia may 'one~up' us this time around..here is why...
"With the National Research Council report that concluded that President Obama's plan for a mission to an asteroid has no support, either inside NASA or anywhere else, the space agency faces a decision point in 2013. The NRC suggested that the administration, Congress, NASA, and other stakeholders in space exploration come to a consensus behind a new goal. But the space agency's problems run deep, caused by a lack of direction, a lack of leadership, and a lack of funding."

One of the best things that came out of the space race? 

And the other thing?

I guess they all like to surf?
While we are on the ruse topic...
"After a years-long legal battle, federal prosecutors in Belgium now believe their investigation is complete enough to charge the Church of Scientology and its leaders as a criminal organization on charges of extortion, fraud, privacy breaches, and the illegal practice of medicine. ... Multiple reports and the group's legal history point to one key factor here: The Belgian government won't charge Scientology for being a cult — authorities are focusing on prosecuting it as a criminal organization. Which is a new twist, as most of the group's many court battles over the years have focused on establishing its legitimacy as a religion. ... The Church of Scientology houses its European headquarters in Brussels, so a ban in Belgium could be crippling to the group — and authorities there seem to know it."

Not  exactly a ruse but I love my Windows 7 Home Premium and have no plans to go Windows 8 ever...apparently a lot of others have the same position...heck...Windows Vista is even better then Win 8...Vista is slow and cumbersome but it always gets the job done while looking great doing it. Windows 8 isn't even competing against Vista in the ratings game...

 "Windows 8 uptake has slipped behind Vista's at the same point after its release. Windows 8 online usage share is around 1.6% of all Windows PCs, which is less than the 2.2% share that Windows Vista commanded at the same two-month mark after release. Net Applications monitors operating system usage by recording OS version for around 40,000 sites it monitors for clients. The slowdown for Windows 8 adoption is a bad sign for Microsoft, who experienced great success with the release of Windows 7. Data was measured up to the 22nd of December, so there is still time by the end of the month for Windows 8 to claim a higher percentage of the user base."

On a Closer note to Americans, we fell off the fiscal cliff, but pulled our primary shoot and bought ourselves some temporary drift time...
 "The agreement came together after negotiators cleared two final hurdles involving the estate tax and automatic spending cuts set to hit the Pentagon and other federal agencies later this week. Republicans gave ground on the spending cuts, known as the sequester, by agreeing to a two-month delay paid for in part with fresh tax revenue, a condition they had resisted. White House officials yielded to GOP wishes on how to handle estate taxes, aides said." The battle over required spending cuts has predictably been delayed for another day, making the deal far from complete.

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