Saturday, March 30, 2013

Micro$ and uneducated painters

"In a move that would do Bill Lumbergh (YouTube homage) proud, Microsoft has been pulling in about $25 million a year through its unusual practice of charging its vendors for occupying office space on its campus while working on Microsoft projects, according to the real estate firm that manages the program. And that's before a planned July 1st rate increase that Microsoft informed vendors of earlier this week, which will boost the 'chargeback' rate for its 'shadow workforce' from $450 per month ($5,400 per year) for every workstation to $510 per month (or $6,120 per year). So, is there a discount if you're moved downstairs into Storage B?"

 "Via RoboticsTrends' newsletter, RTS Lab in Tehran is developing Pars, which is an aerial rescue robot quadcopter designed to save potential drowning victims. The ship-based quadcopter responds instantly when alerted to potential victims in the ocean, locating them with thermal imaging sensors, and dispensing life preservers directly over them. The current prototype carries one life preserver, but they are working on a new model to carry three life preserver rings. Future models may dispense up to 15 self-inflating rings. A launching platform for use on ships has been designed, but more intriguing is an idea for a remote stand-alone launching platform. It's good to see innovative robot tech coming from a country that is not normally well covered in Western media."

 They don't sell wooden ladders any more, haven't for years.
We painters, when we were young and not concerned with our safety, would spray paint without proper respiratory protection and we would get paint on our skin without any concern about it. We were breathing paint fumes and particulates daily. Then in 1979 we learned that we had been exposed to lead in our painting products. 

When someone uses a hormone or stop~smoking patch they apply a small plastic looking patch less then one inch square to their skin and the medical aid is transferred into them by it. We painters would get paint all over our skin, our faces and arms would get covered in paint as we spray painted. Can you imagine the doses of chemicals and lead that was being transferred into our skin by the paint?

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