Friday, April 05, 2013

Friday Fresh

 Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
We know this to be the truth, even a small child understands this and believes it.. But just for grins lets look at the stupidity of those who regard themselves as being educated...

"A decade ago, spurred by a question for a fifth-grade science project, University of Washington physicist John Cramer devised an audio recreation of the Big Bang that started our universe nearly 14 billion years ago. Now, armed with more sophisticated data from a satellite mission observing the cosmic microwave background – a faint glow in the universe that acts as sort of a fossilized fingerprint of the Big Bang – Cramer has produced new recordings that fill in higher frequencies to create a fuller and richer sound."

Years ago I was painting a major brand name car dealers home in a guard gated community. He showed me a secret doorway behind his chair in his home office. It looked like an ordinary panel on the ornate wooden wall. He pushed on the panel and revealed a staircase leading downstairs. There was a mannequin dressed as a Nazi officer standing at the top of the stairs. That was all that I was allowed to see. Days later my painters helper, who was of German descent told me that the man had given him "The cooks tour" of what was down the staircase. Apparently, since I was not of German descent I was not invited. I was told that down the stairs there was a very large room that was a museum of Nazi memorabilia. Some of it was documents that were very valuable. There were old uniforms and handguns and lots of rare pictures on the walls. Some of the stuff was one of a kind, at least that was what I was told. Anyway the man has since passed away and the Hugh home was sold. I wonder if the new owner knows about the secret room in the office?   
The executives behind these maneuvers have studied their Sun Tzu, required reading at any decent business school. “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as the night,” the Chinese Machiavelli writes in his masterpiece The Art of War, “and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” In other words, leave them as little time as possible to assemble their Molotov cocktails.

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