Saturday, April 06, 2013

Saturday Short

Rescuing Trafficked Children

A Robot Soldier?

Texting Rules For Groups

Reef cam

Bitcoin is a fairly new type of digital currency that the NWO is using to acclimate people to the concept of a totally cashless society under the guise of a false sense of anarchy.  "A new piece of malware propagating across Skype has been discovered that tries to convince the recipient to click on a link. What makes this particular threat different is that it drops a Bitcoin miner application to make the malware author money. While malware has both spread on Skype and mined Bitcoins before, putting the two together could be an effective new strategy."

 Speaking of cash...
You probably have a sketchy idea of tax havens--the pillowcases of the super-rich--but might not have an idea of exactly the steps necessary to avoid getting taxed by the government. But a recent financial data leak has given us a window into the process, and this CBC News infographic breaks it down amazingly.
Walk through the slides and you'll stash your cash where it can't be traced, set up a fake company, move the money, hide the money through investments, and finally spend it. (Or turn yourself in--as if you were considering that.)
Yes, it'll make you frustrated that people with millions of dollars can make even more millions by skirting tax law. But this infographic also makes it fun to do yourself.

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