Monday, May 06, 2013

Change Up

We all know about the Lance Armstrong debacle. Sports has a hidden dark side in most cases. Today Lance is in the mud. But what if...

I was driving along the other day and wondered to myself, "What if there was a sports division where you were allowed to do anything humanly possible to enhance performance, steroids, blood doping etc. Bring it all into the light of day. It would all be allowed and encouraged in the competition to see who will be the fastest,strongest, most agile, most enduring athlete. The military has been experimenting with creating the ultimate warrior for years. Why not allow it in sports?

With this in mind...
"Aside from the inconvenience of injecting insulin multiple times a day, type 1 diabetics also face health risks if the dosage level isn't accurate. A new approach developed by U.S. researchers has the potential to overcome both of these problems. The method relies on a network of nanoscale particles that, once injected into the body, can maintain normal blood sugar levels for more than a week by releasing insulin when blood-sugar levels rise."

High Altitude racing just may get interesting if this were to come into play...
 A team at Boston Children’s Hospital have invented a micro-particle that can be injected into your bloodstream to oxygenate your blood – without any help being required from your lungs.

And the quest for the ultimate fighting machine on the battle field continues.

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