Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Earth Wobbled On Wednesday Yadsendew

"Remember how the Australian Government tried to enact a big bad Internet filter on the population? Well, that effort failed, but now there's a new initiative in place. At least one government agency, the country's financial regulator, has quietly started issuing legal notices to ISPs requesting them to block certain types of websites deemed illegal. There's no oversight or appeals process, and already a false positive event has resulted in some 1,200 innocent websites being blocked from Australians viewing them. Sounds ideal, right?"

 Mark 13:25
the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
While the above scripture is about another event, if the earth suddenly stops rotating as it was designed to do, the stars at night will appear to be falling to the horizon. All of the HARRP type experiments going on around the globe are currently having an effect on the earth's natural mechanics...

"Global warming is changing the location of Earth's geographic poles, according to a study published this week. Researchers at the University of Texas, Austin, report that increased melting of the Greenland ice sheet — and to a lesser degree, ice loss in other parts of the globe — helped to shift the North Pole several centimeters east each year since 2005. From 1982 to 2005, the pole drifted southeast towards northern Labrador, Canada, at a rate of about 2 milliarcseconds — or roughly 6 centimetres — per year. But in 2005, the pole changed course and began galloping east towards Greenland at a rate of more than 7 milliarcseconds per year (PDF of the paper). The results suggest that tracking polar shifts can serve as a check on current estimates of ice loss. Scientists can locate the north and south poles to within 0.03 milliarcseconds by using Global Positioning System measurements to determine the angle of Earth's spin. When mass is lost in one part of a spinning sphere, its spin axis will tilt directly towards the position of the loss — exactly as the team observed for Greenland."

 Are you a criminal? You probably don't think of yourself as one, but Amnesty International has an exciting new website that's here to tell you otherwise. are a man and you want to be well dressed but you don't have a clue as to what well dressed looks like and you hate shopping...I have the ultimate solution for you! The Trunk Club For Men.
You will be well dressed without all of the extreme effort usually needed to accomplish this fact. There are no membership fees, minimums, or long-term commitments, and every trunk includes free shipping both ways.You have nothing to loose and everything to gain when it comes to being well dressed. "Our stylists understand men's clothing, from classic styles to contemporary looks. For starters, they know which sizes from what brands will fit you best. But what truly sets our stylists apart is their ability to put those clothes together into a look that's distinctly your own."

 Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
A great place to wait upon the Lord. 

A new old place located

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Net Trouble Revealed

They love the language of symbols and start in a significant way with much meaning to themselves in how they start, when they start and where they start. Some people are noticing...

Psalm 53:1
  The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” 

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