Sunday, June 16, 2013

Calvary Chapel in 1972 as preserved by David Sloane

Chalvary Chapel Of Costa Mesa Sept 17th 1972- Click On Images For Better Look 

You can see one of the first baptisms at Pirates Cove advertisted as well as an abandoned book. 

This awesome book can still be found on the net.

Try Googling.

 Some are in used condition and some are brand new!

A must read for anyone who was there and wants to recall those incredible times and needs a reminder of what the Jesus People Movement did in their youth...

The book was sanitized from the historical record and is now very rare. 

Lonnie Frisbee and evangelism at Calvary Chapel and a lot of the things that actually happened in the early days of the Jesus People Movement.

 As the pastors that came out of the movement became respectable the book may have become something to ditch...Check it out if you can find it.
David Sloane


Now you can read the book for free in PDF here. 

Or you can purchase a reprint of the book here. 

One man's take on Calvary Chapel history in free PDF here.

1 comment:

  1. 7-21-2013
    You can now find new condition originals of the book for over $162.00 and new reproductions for $1.00 on~line.

    It is a very good book to get an idea of some of the activity that took place during the Jesus People Days. I highly suggest you get a copy of it to read.

