Monday, August 12, 2013

Free Computer security update for all your installed programs

 You need to periodically check every program that is installed on your computer to see if you have the latest updated version. This can be a real time consumer for most computers. Here is a reliable and trusted free program that will access all of your programs and help you to update them if needed in minutes. Why do you need to do this? Because cyber thieves can exploit un~patched and un~updated programs to obtain access to your computer.

The Secunia PSI explained

The Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) is a free computer security solution that identifies vulnerabilities in non-Microsoft (third-party) programs which can leave your PC open to attacks.
Simply put, it scans software on your system and identifies programs in need of security updates to safeguard your PC against cybercriminals. It then supplies your computer with the necessary software security updates to keep it safe. The Secunia PSI even automates the updates for your insecure programs, making it a lot easier for you to maintain a secure PC.
Using a scanner like Secunia PSI 3.0 is complementary to antivirus software, and as a free computer security program, is essential for every home computer. You really should do this now!

And since we are on the topic of computer security I should mention identity protection also.
Use this trial version to see if there are data breaches stored on your computer that put you at risk for identity theft.

 Search your own systems for free and see where you need to prevent data leakage.

So why am I concerned about this stuff? Recently my wife and I had a guest staying at our home. They had asked for my password to use my laptop to get on the net?

 I like a dummy gave it out. After our guest left I noticed that every-time I would type into a document it would take a second for the letters to appear in the document. Normally the letters appear instantly as I type but now they were stalling.

 This unusual behavior always indicates a "key~logger" program is present on your computer. 

This is a program that secretly records all of your keystrokes in the back ground so that the installer of the program can spy on you and possible steal your sensitive data such as credit card numbers, social security numbers etc...

As well as spy on your computer usuage activity.

I searched Google for a key logger detection program and found a free trial program. It found the program installed on my computer by our guest and reported it to me. 

 Keyboard logger pro by Panterasoft

I then searched Google again to find out how to uninstall it and was able to clean my computer and secure it. 

Apparently our guest indeed had installed it because the typing stall happened after they had used my laptop. This is in many cases against the law! Even though our own government does it to us...."Prism."

I will think twice before letting this guest stay in our home again!

And I am sure that you would agree with my decision.

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