Friday, September 27, 2013

Finally Friday Fingerfinds Tapped Here

 They call it "Prism" when "They" wiretap everyone without our consent and they figure it is ok to do it to all of us. But they forbid anyone else from doing the same thing...
"In a declaration that could make Google very nervous, a U.S. federal judge on Thursday rebuffed Google's defense of its targeted ad system that scans the content of Gmail. Judge Lucy Koh — who also heard the Apple-Samsung case — found Google's terms and conditions and privacy policy isn't clear to users. Koh subsequently allowed a class-action suit to proceed against the company (official ruling). The plaintiffs in the suit allege Google violates federal and state wiretap laws by scannning the messages sent by non-Gmail and Gmail users."

 "What do you do with old public phone boxes hardly anyone uses? Convert them into a national network of WiFi hotspots is the answer in New Zealand. While others have converted their old phone booths into libraries, toilets, showers and even smoking booths, in New Zealand 700 hotspots will be live by 7 October with a target of 2000 by the middle of 2014. 1Gb of data will be free to customers of the incumbent operator, others have to pay for monthly access."

 "The New York times reports that the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Vice Chairman, Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), are moving a bill forward that would 'change but preserve' the controversial NSA phone log program

Senator Feinstein believes the program is legal, but wants to improve public confidence. The bill would reduce the time the logs could be kept, require public reports on how often it is used, and require FISA court review of the numbers searched. 

 The bill would require Senate confirmation of the NSA director. It would also give the NSA a one week grace period in applying for permission from a court to continue surveillance of someone that travels from overseas to the United States. The situation created by someone traveling from overseas to the United States has been the source of the largest number of incidents in the US in which NSA's surveillance rules were not properly complied with. The rival bill offered by Senators Wyden (D-OR) and Udall (D-CO) which imposes tougher restrictions is considered less likely to pass."

Just a reminder that there's a THOUSAND-YEAR-OLD RUINED CITY in Missouri--the size of contemporary London.

 Early last week, I returned to the Toronto area after attending my second Burning Man — an annual countercultural festival set in Nevada's remote Black Rock Desert. Here’s the story of my remarkable trip — in photos.
 Chemtrail spraying geo~egineering of nano~particles is not factored in... like doing drugs? Well what if you did not know the drug you were given will destroy your flesh right off the bone? Would you continue to take that chance? Someone has created a drug that is highly addictive that will destroy the user. 
Krokodil, a highly addictive designer drug that aggressively eats through flesh, has reportedly arrived in the United States. Apocalypse Zombie Rising Soon?

"Wherever the drug is injected, the skin turns green and scaly, showing symptoms of gangrene. In severe cases, the skin rots away completely revealing the bone beneath. Other permanent effects of the drug include speech impediments and erratic movement. Rotting flesh, jerky movements, and speech troubles have prompted media outlets to tag krokodil the "zombie drug." According toTime, the average user of krokodil only lives two or three years, and "the few who manage to quit usually come away disfigured." Quitting is its own nasty business. Heroin withdrawal symptoms last about a week; symptoms for krokodil withdrawal can last over a month."

Hot Guitar Solo History In Six Minutes? The first thing that comes to mind is, "This guy is good, sign him up for our band!"

The hottest today?

IOS 7 Is Reportedly Making People Sick. No really!

Jerry Mathers

LEAVE IT TO BEAVER: He was 9 years old when the show premiered in 1957. It ended in 1963, and he later joined the Air National Guard and went to college. Now 65, Mathers is happy that he’s still being linked to the Beaver: "I can go anywhere in the world, and people know me."

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