Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday, Let's watch some Zombies

Who knew his act would be misused."In an ironic but welcome twist, the author of the Patriot Act, Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), is introducing the USA FREEDOM Act, a bill specifically aimed at countering the portions of the Patriot Act that were interpreted to let the NSA collect telephone metadata in bulk. The congressman has been a vocal opponent of the NSA's interpretation and misuse of the Patriot Act since Edward Snowden first leaked evidence of the program in June. On Wednesday, he wrote (PDF) to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder that the 'collection of a wide array of data on innocent Americans has led to serious questions about how government will use — or misuse — such information.'"
Patriot Act Author Wants NSA Director Fired & Prosecuted
Today is a great day for everyone who loves the Constitution and thinks Obama should be impeached, because the Truckers Riding for the Constitution are heading to Washington D.C. right now to cause a massive traffic jam. They'll be there soon, they're just "delayed on the Beltway," possibly due to, um, traffic.
An ancient secret library has been found.Just over a thousand years ago, someone sealed up a chamber in a cave outside the oasis town of Dunhuang, on the edge of the Gobi Desert in western China. The chamber was filled with more than five hundred cubic feet of bundled manuscripts. Now, scholars are faced with the daunting task of putting all that material online.
You watch it over and over because you can't believe he did that.Unicycle Cliff Jump
More than 200,000 people in India are being evacuated as a massive cyclone is sweeping through the Bay of Bengal towards the east coast.It Is As Strong as Katrina, Twice as Wide as Sandy And it is About to Devastate India
The core Internet institutions abandon the US Government
TIL in 1978 Pilot Fredrick Valentich and his plane disappeared during a UFO encounter. His last communication was "Melbourne that strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again... (two seconds open microphone)... it is hovering and it's not an aircraft..."
TIL On this day in 1963, William Shatner guest starred as Bob Wilson in "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet". One of the most famous Twilight Zone episodes, and one of TIME Magazine's Top 10 episodes.
Whoa! Did you see that?
Meanwhile in England . .
Russian video shows that the people of Russia can be good people.
Went outside and found that my dog made friends with a crow
Internet freedom on the decline around the world
Global wealth hit record $241 trillion, but distribution skewed. The top richest 1 percent of people own 46 percent of global assets.
This is why all 4-year-olds want to be firemen...
One of the first attempts at "photoshopping" in the history of photography
Crazy Canadian!

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