Saturday, November 23, 2013


I recently did a Tracert on my internet connection because my response time had increased, there was a new lag on every time I sent out a requested website. After awhile it started to annoy me. I am not the only one annoyed...

"Attackers are using route injection attacks against BGP-speaking routers to insert additional hops in the traffic stream, redirecting traffic to third-party locations where it can be inspected before it's sent to its destination. Internet intelligence company Renesys has detected close to 1,500 IP address blocks that have been hijacked on more than 60 days this year, a disturbing trend that indicates attackers could finally have an increased interest in weaknesses inherent in core Internet infrastructure."

 "The American intelligence service — NSA — infected more than 50,000 computer networks worldwide with malicious software designed to steal sensitive information, documents provided by former NSA-employee Edward Snowden show."

"To commemorate 50 years of the Tardis, today the BBC is airing a 75 minute special finally revealing the secrets of the Time War. What did you think of the special? And what's your fondest memory of Who? And what about that Capaldi guy?"

 Tor is best known as a niche tool for hackers, whistleblowers, criminals, activists, or folks with otherwise something to hide. To your average internet user, the covert network of relays and whatchamacallits can come off as too complex and intimidating to bother with—even as people are increasingly concerned with their online privacy in light of the NSA scandal. Now you just plug it in and that is it.

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