Monday, December 02, 2013

Been Going Out To The Desrt Places Since 1986

I love to wait upon the Lord out in the desert places. There have been times when the wind is still that it is so quiet you can hear your own heart beat. Once a Christian seeker after God experiences this they crave the Desert places. The desert places are free, a place where anyone can go.

Some people who do not wait upon the lord panic and get frightened. We had one fellow call for help on the CB radio and a Highway Patrol Helicopter came overhead to investigate. We know what happened because the man confessed to what he had done.

The man had never been in a desolate place before, having grown up in the city and lived there all of his life. He freaked out at the thought of no phone service no emergency service, nothing but silence.

To us God seekers it is a luxury to be out in the quiet stillness of the desert places. We have no distractions of modern life. Just ourselves presented before the Lord God Almighty. Waiting upon Him for His Word, for His presence to manifest, for a touch from Him.

With no distractions you tend to get into a place where it is only you and God. Reflecting upon Him. You hear your humanity, your human space suit that allows you to live dwell upon this earthly plain. The pumping of your own heart, the gurgling of your own stomach.

But there is something else that you certainly become aware of soon enough...

The temple.

1 Corinthians 3:16
  Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

We Always leave the desert places with a deep sense of peace in our souls and a refreshing that no
other place allows us to have.

John 4:23-24

23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

It is not like this for others who know not their God who created them...

"Industry Tap reports that there is a place so quiet you can hear your heart beat, your lungs breathe and your stomach digest. It's the anechoic chamber at Orfield Labs in Minnesota where 3ft of sound-proofing fiberglass wedges and insulated steel and concrete absorbs 99.99% of sound, making it the quietest place in the world.

 'When it's quiet, ears will adapt,' says the company's founder and president, Steven Orfield. 'The quieter the room, the more things you hear. You'll hear your heart beating, sometimes you can hear your lungs, hear your stomach gurgling loudly. In the anechoic chamber, you become the sound.' The chamber is used by a multitude of manufacturers, to test how loud their products are and the space normally rents for $300 to $400 an hour.

 'It's used for formal product testing, for research into the sound of different things — heart valves, the sound of the display of a cellphone, the sound of a switch on a car dashboard.' But the strangest thing about the chamber is that sensory deprivation makes the room extremely disorienting, and people can rarely stay in the dark space for long

As the minutes tick by in absolute quiet, the human mind begins to lose its grip, causing test subjects to experience visual and aural hallucinations. 'We challenge people to sit in the chamber in the dark — one reporter stayed in there for 45 minutes,' says Orfield who says even he can't stand the quiet for more than about 30 minutes.

 Nasa uses a similar chamber to test its astronauts putting them in a water-filled tank inside the room to see 'how long it takes before hallucinations take place and whether they could work through it.'"

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