Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hannelore Tepper Angel Cat sanctuary

Peanut had surgery yesterday to remove all teeth due to bad stomatitis. He is recovering now. Please help me pay back the loan of $3,456.00. He was worth it.

 "These cats are only a lucky few of unwanted cats that roam our country. Many could be helped and are being helped by Trap, Neuter and Release programs. This stops more kittens from being born and the cats are allowed back into their area to live out their lives. 

I am a single women who took on a mission to save this colony. These cats now have a home and good food and safety. By sharing the lives of the animals I took in , I hope that the story's will inspire you to help as many as you can. To help in which ever way you can, the unlucky one's.

I intend to keep the animals I have in my care. In the future when I have a farm, I will be able to give them a big backyard. I do not have the funds to build a large fence for them . But maybe one day.

Some of the cats are feral and may not have the disposition for domestic life. I will continue to work with them to bring them to a more relaxed and trusting disposition. But, they have a right in my sanctuary to be cage free and a right to a life free from danger."

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