Monday, October 13, 2014

In Defense Of Obama

Paul Krugman has written an interesting article about Obama which is currently in Rollingstone Magazine.

"All Obama-bashing can be divided into three types. One, a constant of his time in office, is the onslaught from the right, which has never stopped portraying him as an Islamic atheist Marxist Kenyan. Nothing has changed on that front, and nothing will."

"Yes, Obama has a low approval rating compared with earlier presidents. But there are a number of reasons to believe that presidential approval doesn't mean the same thing that it used to: There is much more party-sorting (in which Republicans never, ever have a good word for a Democratic president, and vice versa), the public is negative on politicians in general, and so on."

Read more:

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1 comment:

  1. In defense of Obama? REALLY? No, I mean REALLY?
