Monday, November 17, 2014

Mondays Internet Gleanings

 My American town has thousands of people who are not American citizens living in it. In fact I am one of the few Americans in my own neighborhood.

Question: "What does the Bible say about illegal immigration?"

 Demographer William Frey explains how minorities are poised to re-map America.

 As President Obama gets closer to taking executive action on immigration reform, Republicans say that he is ignoring the American people and provoking the GOP in the process.


So how did the Gand Old Party get it's name?

 Could it be time to invest in Chocolate farm stocks?

MARS inc is running out of chocolate.

There's no easy way to say this: You're eating too much chocolate, all of you. 

And it's getting so out of hand that the world could be headed towards a potentially disastrous (if you love chocolate) scenario if it doesn't stop. ... 

Chocolate deficits, whereby farmers produce less cocoa than the world eats, are becoming the norm. Already, we are in the midst of what could be the longest streak of consecutive chocolate deficits in more than 50 years.

 It also looks like deficits aren't just carrying over from year-to-year—the industry expects them to grow. Last year, the world ate roughly 70,000 metric tons more cocoa than it produced.

 By 2020, the two chocolate-makers warn that that number could swell to 1 million metric tons, a more than 14-fold increase; by 2030, they think the deficit could reach 2 million metric tons.

They reap what they have sown.


Tamiflu (generic name: oseltamivir), has psychotic side-effects, and the FDA is hiding it from the medical community.

 Bob Ross beats the devil out of his ole' brushes ( Video).

Once a thing dreamed about in sci-fi, voice-controlled computers are a reality. But consumers may not realize the price they pay for living in the future
Glen A. Larson, the wildly successful television writer-producer whose enviable track record includes 'Six Million Dollar Man', Quincy M.E., Magnum, P.I., Battlestar Galactica, Knight Rider and The Fall Guy, has died.

 He was 77. From the article: Battlestar Galactica lasted just one season on ABC from 1978-79, yet the show had an astronomical impact.

 Starring Lorne Greene and Richard Hatch as leaders of a homeless fleet wandering through space, featuring special effects supervised by Star Wars’ John Dykstra and influenced by Larson’s Mormon beliefs, Battlestar premiered as a top 10 show and finished the year in the top 25. 

But it was axed after 24 episodes because, Larson said, each episode cost “well over” $1 million.

 It cost around three thousand dollars a second.

Battlestar Galactica was the most expensive TV program of it's day.

The viewer saw 45 minutes of the show peppered with 15 minutes of commercial interruptions.

 For the first time the Elvis Presley coverup is revealed.

Bill Cosby is taking a lot of heat these days as the publicity spotlight shines in his direction.


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