Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dane Wigington

I was troubled by what happened last night when I posted a comment on Dane Wigington's website.

I posted this link in the comments box:

It went to moderation at the website, which is normal for most places.

When my comment did come out of moderation and was posted, the link that I had shared in the comments was not there and in it's place was this:

we hold our president and our esteemed representatives accountable and responsible for this ongoing genocide. This needs to end now, and the criminals that perpetrated this hideous crime against humanity to justice.
David .

I felt like I had been thrown under the bus!

Someone who was moderating typed something that I did not say. And the link that I had pasted into the comment box was not even there.

As I lay in bed thinking about this I found it really troubling.

The comment that appears makes me call the President and our Representatives criminals.

When all I had shared was a link to a Fox news article.

Dane Wigington's integrity, or whomever was moderating last night, came into question in my thoughts as I lay in bed thinking about all of this.

I have posted comments in a lot of websites over the many years since I first got on the Internet.

Never once has any of my comments been altered or changed in any way by a website before.

When I was the roadie for the Christian band "Mustard seed faith" they would play in the prisons and mental institutions.

While the band was at one of the mental institutions I talked with a perfectly normal young man who was in there as a patient.

I asked him why he was there.

He told me that he had made a stupid comment about Nixon at a gathering where he was. He was arrested and they put him in the institution as a result of his comment.

The nature of the comment that was fabricated and attributed to me will cause it to pop up on the NSA's watch list.

I don't want the men in black showing up at my door because of some thoughtless moderator putting words into my mouth!

The integrity of  Dane Wigington is now an issue in my mind which I find troubling.

I wonder if anyone else who has commented at his website has had their comments tampered with?

OK...I feel better now that I have gotten this typed out and unburdened myself here.

David Sloane


 The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled 7-2 in favor of Anthony Elonis, a man who wrote a series of angry messages on Facebook.

 The posts included quotes from rap lyrics containing "violent imagery," and were directed at Elonis's wife, his co-workers, law enforcement, and a kindergarten class.

 Elonis was charged and convicted under a federal statute that outlaws "any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another."

The jury in his case was told the standard for judging such a threat was whether a "reasonable person" would interpret it as such.

According to the Court's ruling (PDF), that standard was not enough to convict him.

They call it "a standard feature of civil liability in tort law inconsistent with the conventional criminal conduct requirement of 'awareness of some wrongdoing.'"

 The case is notable for being the first Supreme Court ruling about free speech on social media, but the ruling itself was quite narrow.


Update 6/7/2015

Dane Wigington is a very courageous individual who obviously is very passionate about his battle to make the public aware and to stop what he sees going on around him.

I just read this passionate post and am blown away by his determination and drive against those who are behind the Geoengineering.

Lord watch over him and protect him!

One thing I do know about the man is he is on a mission that he is relentlessly pursuing with all his might.

Not to many men like that around these days...

May God open doors and provide resources for Dane that will make his goals all the more attainable.

He has been a voice crying in the wilderness as it were.

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