Thursday, May 28, 2015

I Told You It Was Going To happen. The oil tar is invading southern CA beaches now.

Image result for ktla Substance washed ashore in Manhattan beach

Here is where I first told you what was about to happen five days ago before it even happened.

This is text book oil company control of the news media.

No one is reporting that the source is the broken oil pipeline up coast in Santa Barbara.

And now Manhattan beach is reporting the tar is starting showing up on their beaches.

The controlled news media is 'acting' as if it is some kind of a mystery and they just don't know where it is coming from.

Ya right!

Is the public really that unaware that they don't recall the recent oil pipeline break in Santa Barbara?

Judging by the past 1969 oil tar invasions it is going to be about 7 years before this tar is completely gone from southern CA beaches.

Surf boards and feet bottoms are going to be covered in sticky tar, especially this summer when the heat melts the stuff and makes it even more sticky and pervasive.

Bring a quart can of paint thinner and paper towels to clean your feet when you go to the beach this summer. This is going to be really bad!

The corporate oil companies fear that the public might rise up against off shore oil drilling platforms like the public did in 1969 when they were awake and fully aware of what was going on. 

The Oil companies know that they are responsible for paying for the clean up efforts.

Therefore they are spinning the news to make it appear that the oil tar is a "natural" occurrence and not what it actually is, the net result of a recent oil spill.

They want the American public to pay for any clean up efforts.

They really have nothing to fear these days from the docile public that has allowed the "patriot act" and chemical spraying the skies, tampering with the food supply etc...

The Rabbit Hole Is Deep.

 Still don't believe your news media is under centralized control Neo?

Just watch these two examples of what is going on daily..there are many more examples but you will get the idea...

  So you see, they are not actually news reporters or journalist, just mere actors reading their assigned scripts. Reading what the powers that be want you to think and know.

Pay attention.

So Neo what will it be? The red one or the...

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