Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Old News from Sunday, October 05, 2008

What is a Blog? The Lines Continue To Blur

Wikipedia defines blogs as:

A Blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.
The Blogosphere is the collective community of all blogs. Since all blogs are on the Internet by definition, they may be seen as interconnected and socially networked. Discussions "in the Blogosphere" have been used by the media as a gauge of public opinion on various issues. But as the Blogosphere grows in size and influence, the lines between what is a blog and what is a mainstream media site become less clear. Larger blogs are taking on more characteristics of mainstream sites and mainstream sites are incorporating styles and formats from the Blogosphere. In fact, 95% of the top 100 US newspapers have reporter blogs (see The Bivings Group).

Today, blogs are everywhere —even presidential candidates have blogs. The blog has forever changed the way publishing works —now anyone can be a publisher. The issue is no longer distribution; rather, it's relevance.

Bloggers create 900,000 blog posts a day worldwide, and some of them are actually making money through search ads from Google. and Amazon referrals through Amazon Associates program etc. Blogs with decent traffic and a voice are also getting snapped up by blog-ad networks, which in turn package them as niche audiences to advertisers.

You are on a blog right this instant. Notice that I do this freely, no monetizing of any sort.

To see an example of monetizing check out this excellent example and see if you can pick out how many sources of income there are:

The nice thing about doing this freely is you can spend a lot of time on it or you can take a break now and then. When you do it for your income you have to be at it daily.

When I spend a few days working here, like I have this weekend, it is rewarding to see the numbers of visitors increase. You can see that yesterday (Sat) the visitors increased because I posted throughout the day. And today you can see the same thing happened:

Notice that the days that I only post a few items the visitor hits are less. You can see that if someone were to try and make an income from blogging it is a lot of work and chair time at the keyboard.

You have to enjoy it to spend a lot of time on it. I enjoy it. And apparently others do also because they keep coming back. We vote by click, after all. Successful blogs, such as Zen Habits, tend to balance the more fast-food type posts with longer, more complex ideas that will presumably keep readers coming back—although there are plenty of people who make a living posting just about anything.

The Internet has always been very good at counting page views but not so great at assigning value to what's actually in those pages.

Friends Don't Let Friends Read Bad Content. If you didn't like what I do here you wouldn't be here.

As a Christian I do some Gospel and some current events as well as try to post stuff that I find interesting along with anything else in between. I have fun.

I used to nudge a few others to try to get them to post stuff here. I don't do nudging any more. You wouldn't believe how many people I have extended an opportunity to, only two showed up and participated for awhile although there has been one or two who did contribute once or twice.

You know, you can blog. Look up Blogger in Google to open a free account. Try it.

Not that it matters, currently my blog is worth $1,129.08 according to Technorati. Been as high as $1600. Goes up and down like the stock market.
Speaking of the stock market, fasten your seat belt.

At Knotts Berry Farm there is this ride that justs drops you, your stomach pushes on your head as gravity does its job.

 I think that the market will open with a gravity drop Monday morning.
But to who...LOL...oops...was just wondering to myself to whom this web blog might would be worth $1,129.08...

Certainly not I. :)


Note 5/19/2015:

The stock market did drop tremendously on October 06, 2008!

Wow how did i know that was going to happen when i mentioned it the day before on October 05, 2008?


On Monday October 6, the stock market would start a weeklong decline in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average would fall 1,874 points or 18.1%.

While the exact cause of this crash may differ from those of 1929 and 1987, they share one common element - they all began in October.

The Black Week began on October 6th and lasted five trading sessions. 

During that week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average would fall 1,874 points or 18.1%. 

In that same week, the S&P 500 would fall more than 20%.

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