Friday, September 11, 2015

Power Hidden In Plain Sight

I know someone who basically raised them self while growing up with very little parental over site. They watched what ever they wanted on television 24/7. Now as an adult they walk into the house and the first thing they do is turn on the TV. No matter what is on the screen it gets their full attention. The TV will remain on all day. Sometimes one in the Living room and one in the bedroom.

 It is very hard if not difficult to talk to them while the TV is on. And when you do try and say something to them they act very annoyed as they pause the TV with the remote and tersely look in your direction with that facial stare as though to say, "You are interrupting something that is way more important then anything that you have to say, could you hurry it up so I can get back to the TV?" 

"Cablevision (a huge cable network) is suing Viacom (owner of MTV, Nickelodeon, etc), alleging that Viacom is violating U.S. federal anti-trust laws by requiring programming packages to be bundled. If they are victorious, it would be a tiny step closer to 'a la carte cable,' but not much — Cablevision just wants to make their own bundles, and not give the customer the freedom to choose which channels they get. Where can I get my "Kill your TV" bumper sticker?"

The thing I care more about buying separately is no-TV internet service, which the major cable companies seem reluctant to admit is even possible. You can see why...

TV is a wonderful medium to program your people when you want to control them and how they think and form a worldview. Here is one excellent drawing back of the curtain of the Wizard of Oz ready.

TV is powerful. Don't forget it's all in good fun...

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