Friday, October 23, 2015

Honest Weather Reporting

Once again, chemtrails are being sprayed in the skies over Los Angeles California as a large moisture field from a storm offshore moves into the region.

This will cause an inversion layer over the region and prevent the rain from materializing.

There are two thing we must have for rain:

Moisture and lift.

 When the lift is prevented by the aerosols there will be no rain.

 Current Wind Reports and Enhanced Satellite

 Patricia is being allowed to hit Mexico at full power.

If lives are lost the people responsible for the weather control will be the ones who inadvertently harmed life!

 Hurricane Patricia is now measured to be the strongest Hurricane we have ever seen

Live Mexico Cam Feed In Ixtapa Guerrero

Acapulco cam

If you have been following these weather reports you know they have the ability to increase or decrease hurricanes.

Item one:

 Patricia — the strongest hurricane ever recorded — barreled closer and closer Friday to Mexico's Pacific coast, where residents have been told to brace for its 200-mph sustained winds and torrential rains

 The early Friday central pressure recording of 880 millibars (the barometric pressure equivalent is 25.98 inches) "is the lowest for any tropical cyclone globally for over 30 years," according to the Met Office, Britain's weather service. 

 One other thing alarming about Patricia is its rapid rise in intensity

It rated as a tropical storm early Thursday, but 24 hours later it had become a Category 5 hurricane.

 Among other effects, El Niño has contributed to ocean waters off Mexico being 2 to 3 degrees warmer than usual. 

 "That warm water from El Niño probably just pushed this slightly over the edge to be the strongest storm on record," CNN's Myers said.

Item Two:

 CNN reports that Hurricane Patricia has made landfall in Mexico; Patricia is notable for having the third-lowest barometer reading ever recorded, and as "the strongest hurricane ever observed in the eastern Pacific or Atlantic oceans."

 Slate points out that at one point, "satellite estimates of Patricia’s intensity broke the Dvorak scale, peaking at 8.3 on the 8.0 scale. ...

In fact, Patricia is now very close to the theoretical maximum strength for a tropical cyclone on planet Earth."

The Weather Channel is tracking the storm's path, and predicts "catastrophic damage ... along a narrow path as the eye slices into the interior of southwest Mexico Friday night."

Here's a map from the National Weather Service showing Patricia's track as well as projected path.

Please pass this around so that others will know of the evil that is being committed and allowed by governments.

These people have been messing with the biosphere and they don't even know what will happen to our planet if they continue.

They have to be stopped before permanent damage is done to the complex systems of nature and the delicate balance of the turning electro-mechanical mechanism of the planet earth.

The earth is at approximately at a 23 and a third degrees tilt to give us our seasons...this tilt has been changing be several degrees since this insane bombardment of microwaves to our ionosphere which heats it up to thousands of degrees.

  Anecdotal signs from people who live on the land most directly impacted along with overwhelming scientific evidence essentially close debate over whether climate change is occurring.

"The Sky Has Changed!"

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