Saturday, November 21, 2015

When you design a website, an app, software, or a product, you expect a human to interact with your design with their perceptual/sensory systems. If you want to design a product that is easy to use, engaging, and that meets your goals and objectives for user experience, then you need to know about the psychology of perception.

Co.Design has an article by two early Apple designers on how the company has lost its way, and quite frankly, lost its marbles when it comes to user interface design.

 In the search for a minimalist, clean design, it has forgotten time honored UI principles and made it harder for people to use Apple products.

 As someone who has followed computer UI evolution since the command line and who has used various Apple products for a number of years, the designers' concerns really hit home for me.

Of course, Apple isn't the only company out there who makes UI mistakes. 

 And it is notable that the article has totally annoying, unstoppable GIFs that do nothing to improve understanding.

 User Interfaces are hard, but it would be nice to have everybody take a few steps back from the precipice.

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