Monday, June 13, 2016

First SpaceX Missions To Mars: 'Dangerous and Probably People Will Die' (

A report from Ars Technica: 

As we get close to the end of September, when Elon Musk has promised to lay bare his plans for colonizing Mars at an international space conference, it seems like the ambitious founder of SpaceX can hardly contain his excitement. 

In an interview with The Washington Post, Musk gushed, "I'm so tempted to talk more about the details of it. But I have to restrain myself." 

SpaceX fandom has speculated for years about details of Musk's ideas, which include the Mars Colonial Transporter concept. 

The Transporter likely consists of a large first stage rocket and an upper stage spacecraft meant to deliver hundreds of people to the surface of Mars during the late 2020s and 2030s. 

Unlike NASA, which relies on public money and is therefore risk averse when it comes to "loss of crew" requirements for human missions into space, SpaceX appears to be willing to take some risks with the unprecedented exploration to Mars.

 Those first explorers would understand the perils, just as the pioneers who explored the New World or the poles of Earth did. "Hopefully there's enough people who are like that who are willing to go build the foundation, at great risk, for a Martian city," Musk told Washington Post.

 "It's dangerous and probably people will die -- and they'll know that." 

Eventually it will be safe to go to Mars, Musk said, and living there will be comfortable.

 But this is many years into the future, he acknowledged.


New International Version
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."
Genesis 3:19

Mankind will never live beyond the earth.

Outer space is full of cancer causing radiation.

The magnetic field of the earth shields us from this radiation.

Astronauts always stay in near earth orbit for protection because of the radiation of outer space.

 When they first started the project to see if it were even possible to send men to the moon there was one major hurtle.

A man, James Van Allen, the space scientist, stands in front of the National Academy in Washington, D.C., and announces that they’ve just discovered something new about the planet, May 1, 1958.

You see there is these belts of high intensity radiation surrounding the earth.

 Men can not go through it without lead protection.

 Feet of heavy lead in thickness.

 Space craft have to be light to get to the moon and back.

 Not good.

So the wonderfully intelligent blokes decide to see if they can blow up the God installed radiation belts.

 Didn't work, only added more radiation to an already dangerous barrier to human space travel.

This is why living man has never and will never leave earth's near orbit...of course the spin doctors tell another story:

Ok... so we can't go to the moon.

No problem, we will simulate it and...

Possible Motives

Several motives have been suggested for the U.S. government to fake the moon landings - some of the recurrent elements are:

Distraction - The U.S. government benefited from a popular distraction to take attention away from the Vietnam war.

 Lunar activities did abruptly stop, with planned missions cancelled, around the same time that the US ceased its involvement in the Vietnam War.

Cold War Prestige - The U.S. government considered it vital that the U.S. win the space race with the USSR. Going to the Moon, if it was possible, would have been risky and expensive.

 It would have been much easier to fake the landing, thereby ensuring success.

Money - NASA raised approximately 30 billion dollars pretending to go to the moon.

This could have been used to pay off a large number of people, providing significant motivation for complicity.

In variations of this theory, the space industry is characterized as a political economy, much like the military industrial complex, creating fertile ground for its own survival.

Risk - The available technology at the time was such that there was a good chance that the landing might fail if genuinely attempted.

The Soviets, with their own competing moon program and an intense economic and political and military rivalry with the USA, could be expected to have cried foul if the USA tried to fake a Moon landing.

 Theorist Ralph Rene responds that shortly after the alleged Moon landings, the USA silently started shipping hundreds of thousands of tons of grain as humanitarian aid to the allegedly starving USSR.

He views this as evidence of a cover-up, the grain being the price of silence.

 (The Soviet Union in fact had its own Moon program).

Russian Official Calls For "International Investigation" of the Apollo Program

According to a Tuesday article in the Moscow Times, a spokesman for Russia's Investigative Committee named Vladimir Markin suggested that an international investigation be mounted into some of the "various murky details surrounding the U.S. moon landings between 1969 and 1972." 

Markin would particularly like to know where some of the missing moon rocks went to and why the original footage of the Apollo 11 moon landing was erased.'

 Markin hastened to add that he is, of course, not suggesting that NASA faked the moon landings and just filmed the events in a studio.

More News Papers

Kubrick Confession?

Kubrick Family Debunks 'Confession' Film 

Evidence Moon Landings Were Faked - Vid

Soviet Cosmonaut Leonev Admits Apollo 11 Filmed By Kubrick - Vid

'Stanley Kubrick'(?) Admits He Hoaxed The Moon Landings - Vid

'Stanley Kubrick' Confession - Outtakes Suggest It's Fake - Vid

Many people have remarked that the astronauts, especially Armstrong, seemed to be behaving oddly at this first public event.  

In fact, if you are watching for it, you will see that they are enthusiastic when discussing the voyage to the Moon, and the return trip, but oddly subdued when talking about operations on or near the Moon. 

 There appears to be tension, anger, disappointment or depression, and other feelings that are very much at odds with what should have been a triumphant celebration and homecoming.

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