Thursday, June 09, 2016

Movie Written By Algorithm Turns Out To Be Hilarious and Intense (

Ars is excited to be hosting this online debut of Sunspring, a short science fiction film that's not entirely what it seems.

 It's about three people living in a weird future, possibly on a space station, probably in a love triangle. 

You know it's the future because H (played with neurotic gravity by Silicon Valley's Thomas Middleditch) is wearing a shiny gold jacket, H2 (Elisabeth Gray) is playing with computers, and C (Humphrey Ker) announces that he has to "go to the skull" before sticking his face into a bunch of green lights. 

It sounds like your typical sci-fi B-movie, complete with an incoherent plot.

 Except Sunspring isn't the product of Hollywood hacks -- it was written entirely by an AI

To be specific, it was authored by a recurrent neural network called long short-term memory, or LSTM for short. 

At least, that's what we'd call it. 

The AI named itself Benjamin. The report goes on to mention that the movie was made by Oscar Sharp for the annual film festival Sci-Fi London.

You can watch the short film (~10 min) on The Scene here.

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