Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Younger "I Want It Now" Generation Is Changing The World To Suit Their Proclivities

The average American watches three hours of TV each day, and researchers have found that most people already prefer listening to accelerated speech.

 "After watching accelerated video on my computer for a few months, live television began to seem excruciatingly slow..." writes the Washington Post's Jeff Guo.

 "Movie theaters feel suffocating. I need to be able to fast-forward and rewind and accelerate and slow down, to be able to parcel my attention where it's needed..." distills some interesting points from Guo's article:

 You can play DVDs and iTunes purchases at whatever tempo you like, and a Google engineer has written a popular Chrome extension that accelerates most other Web videos, including on Netflix, Vimeo and Amazon Prime.

 Over 100,000 people have downloaded that plug-in, and the reviews are ecstatic. 

 "Oh my God!

 I regret all the wasted time I've lived before finding this gem!!" one user wrote.

According to Guo speeding up video is more than an efficiency hack.

 "I quickly discovered that acceleration makes viewing more pleasurable. 

"Modern Family" played at twice the speed is far funnier -- the jokes come faster and they seem to hit harder.

 I get less frustrated at shows that want to waste my time with filler plots or gratuitous violence. 

The faster pace makes it easier to appreciate the flow of the plot and the structure of the scenes." 
Guo writes that "I've come to believe this is the future of how we will appreciate television and movies.

We will interrogate videos in new ways using our powers of time manipulation... we will all be watching on our own terms."

 Will this eventually become much more common?

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