Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Are There Two separate Accounts Of Two Creation Events In Genesis? World's upon world's upon worlds...

The European Space Agency's second mission to Mars, Exomars, was successfully launched from the Baikonur launch pad today.

 Exomars will search for traces of life, either past or present, on the Red Planet, and is the precursor to a more full-fledged mission to Mars in 2018, comprising a rover.

 It consists of an orbiter and of Schiaparelli, a lander built by European industry and scheduled to land in October this year.

 Both missions are cooperations between ESA and RosKosmos, the Russian Federal Space Agency.

 If one of them met their ultimate goal — proving there is or was life on Mars — the excitement here on Earth would be unimaginable.


Some believe that there are two records of creating in Genesis.

The two records are supposed to involve Genesis 1:1-2:3 and Genesis 2:4-25.

One author has written: “It is evident that the Pentateuch cannot be the continuous work of a single author. This is shown by the existence of two differing accounts (doublets) of the same event: thus e.g. the story of the creation in Gen. 1 and 2:4ff...” (Weiser, 1961, pp. 72-73, emp. in orig).

Some religionists speak of the “two different creation accounts” (Murray and Buffaloe, 1981, p. 7), or the “two ‘creation hymns’ ” (see Manis as quoted by Thompson, 1986, p. 16).

 The arguments in support of this radical viewpoint are twofold. (1) It is claimed that the two creation stories show evidence of different styles of writing. (2) It is argued that the accounts conflict in that they reflect divergent concepts of deity and a mismatched order of creation.

 The plural authorship of the “creation accounts” is supposed to be indicated by the use of two names for deity in these sections.

“God” (Elohim) is employed in Genesis 1, whereas “Jehovah” (Yahweh) is found in 2:4ff.

In response it may be observed, first, that solid biblical research has clearly shown the use of different appellations for deity to possibly reflect a purposeful theological emphasis.

For example, Elohim, which suggests “strength,” exalts God as the mighty Creator.

Yahweh is the name that expresses the essential moral and spiritual nature of deity, particularly in terms of His relationship to the nation of Israel (see Stone, 1944, p. 17).

Second, the multiple employment of titles was common in the literature of antiquity as a device of literary variety.

 Archaeological discoveries have amply illustrated this point. Consider Genesis 28:13.

The Lord speaks to Jacob and says: “I am Jehovah (Yahweh), the God (Elohim) of Abraham, the God (Elohim) of Isaac.”

Would one argue for the multiple authorship of this single sentence upon the basis of the use of two Hebrew names for the Creator?


Did Moses author both creation accounts?

  We read in the books of Moses things such as "And the LORD said to Moses...", or "Moses went to that place....", etc...

Why doesn't Moses write, "And the Lord said to me, or I went to that place...", etc...?

 We also read in the Old Testament about Moses's burial.

 Now if Moses alone supposedly wrote his books, then how is it possible for him to write about his own burial when he is already dead?

Could it possibly be that there were two writers in Genesis?

And that Moses and the other writer share two separate creations in the one book of Genesis?

I have no problem with the theory of there being two creation accounts by two writers personally.

  I once heard Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa say that God doesn't create an earth "without form and void."

Apparently something cataclysmic had happened to the earth and God didn't talk about it in the Genesis accounts Chuck said .

Only that the aftermath of what ever had happened left the earth in bad shape we are told.

Chuck then concluded, from God's silence on the topic, "Where the Bible is silent it's best we be silent."

I don't exactly agree with that safe synopsis being a very curious man who loves to explore conspiracies.

What about the Bible's silence about computers, cell phones, the internet and a host of other things in life?

There is vast evidence that man has been around on this present globe far longer than many Biblical scholars want to believe.

Things have been found in coal mines miles beneath the surface of the earth that baffle even the most intelligent archeologist among us.

There have been walls found made of highly mirror polished blocks with common cement internally miles down in some of these mines.

Man made metalic objects have been found that should not be there.

 "That which has come to be, that is what will come to be; and that which has been done, that is what will be done; and so there is nothing new under the sun."

-Ecclesiastes 1:14

I believe that the ever-living God can and has created prior world's.

Jesus spoke in Matthew 24:14 and which He commanded us to proclaim in Matthew 28:19-20.

 God's goal for mankind isn't to advance as far as we can or to know all we can discover, but rather that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

W. W. McCormick of Abilene, Texas, reported his grandfather's account of a stone block wall that was found deep within a coal mine:

 "In the year 1928, I, Atlas Almon Mathis, was working in coal mine No. 5., located two miles north of Heavener, Oklahoma. 

This was a shaft mine, and they told us it was two miles deep. 

 The mine was so deep that they let us down into it on an elevator.... 

They pumped air down to us, it was so deep." 

 One evening, Mathis was blasting coal loose by explosives in "room 24" of this mine. 

 "The next morning," said Mathis, "there were several concrete blocks laying in the room. 

 These blocks were 12-inch cubes and were so smooth and polished on the outside that all six sides could serve as mirrors.

 Yet they were full of gravel, because I chipped one of them open with my pick, and it was plain concrete inside." 

Mathis added: "As I started to timber the room up, it caved in; and I barely escaped.

 When I came back after the cave-in, a solid wall of these polished blocks was left exposed.

 About 100 to 150 yards farther down our air core, another miner struck this same wall, or one very similar." 

 The coal in the mine was Carboniferous, which would mean the wall was at least 286 million years old.

 According to Mathis, the mining company officers immediately pulled the men out of the mine and forbade them to speak about what they had seen.

 Mathis said the Wilburton miners also told of finding "a solid block of silver in the shape of a barrel... with the prints of the staves on it," in an area of coal dating between 280 and 320 million years ago.

 What advance civilization built this wall?... 

Why was the truth, as is so many of these cases protected and hidden?... 

What is the real truth about modern technology in our past?

  From around the world, objects have been discovered over the past 200 years that clearly originate from highly advanced civilizations.

Found in California, a rock was cracked open in search of fossils.

But instead of a fossil, out fell a very strange object.

The rock came from a formation that had been dated at around half a million years old.

In the picture below on the right is an x-ray of the object. It is composed of a ceramic material and metal. In some respects it resembles a modern spark plug.

A small steel cube was found in a block of coal in Austria in 1885.

 A few years later, in 1891, a woman in Illinois reportedly discovered a gold chain in a chunk of coal.

 An iron pot was found in coal in Oklahoma in 1912.

A woman found a child's spoon in coal in 1937.

 In 1944 a bell was discovered (shown below) inside a lump of coal that was mined in West Virginia.

 What are such objects doing inside coal dated as hundreds of millions of years old?

In June 1851 Scientific American reprinted a report from the Boston Transcript about a metallic vase, found in two parts, that was dynamited out of solid rock, about 15 feet below the surface in Dorchester, Massachusetts.

The bell-shaped vase, made from a zinc and silver alloy, was 6 inches high. On the sides were figures of flowers in bouquet arrangements, inlaid with pure silver. The estimated age of the rock out of which it came was 100,000 years.

On June 22, 1844, a report appeared in the London Times to the effect that some workmen quarrying rock close to the Tweed about a quarter of a mile below Rutherford-mill, discovered a gold thread embedded in the stone at a depth of eight feet.

Dr. A. W. Medd of the British Geological Survey wrote in 1985 that this stone was of Early Carboniferous age between 320 and 360 million years old.

In 1851, in Whiteside County, Illinois two copper artefacts, a hook and a ring, were brought up during the drilling of a well from a sand stratum 120 feet deep. The stratum was dated at 150,000 years old.

A two-inch metal screw was discovered in 1865 in a piece of feldspar unearthed from the Abbey Mine in Treasure City, Nevada. The screw had long ago oxidized, but its form, particularly the shape of its threads, could be clearly seen in the feldspar. The stone was calculated to be 21 million years in age.

In 1869, in the December 17 issue of The Los Angeles News it was reported that a smooth slate wall covered with strange alphabetic writing had been discovered in a coalmine.

The letters were raised and well defined. When chiselled away, the coal that had covered the wall bore their distinct impression, which confirmed that the wall dated to a time when the coal was formed.

The coal was from the Carboniferous era, well over 200 million years old.

In 1891, close to Cleveland, Tennessee a length of wall was discovered which extended for about a thousand feet.

It was on average 2 feet thick and 8 feet high, with numerous projections spaced along the top every 30 feet or so. Its position dated it geologically to over a million years old.

The wall was composed of red sandstone blocks. Along one stretch of wall a number of the sandstone blocks were covered with the hieroglyphs of a mysterious language. All together, 872 individual characters were recorded.
While shot blasting a coal seam in 1928, a miner found, among the dislodged coal, blocks of concrete about a foot across.

 The faces of the blocks were highly polished.

The remainder of the wall disappeared into the coal seam.

 A second miner working a coal face about 100 yards away struck what seemed to be the same wall.

 Another coal miner in West Virginia claimed miners had found a well constructed concrete building.
On June 27 in 1969, workmen cutting into a rock shelf situated on the Broadway Extension of 122nd Street, between Edmond and Oklahoma City, found an inlaid tile floor 3 feet below the surface, and covering several thousand square feet.

A form of mortar was found between the tiles. It was dated at 200,000 years old.

With the destruction of the ancient libraries of Alexandria and China, the only remaining records of the very ancient past are to be found in India and Tibet.

They speak of a golden age when men could fly in fantastic craft that could defy gravity.

What happened to these sophisticated civilizations?

It appears that they we obliterated from the face of the earth in a series of environmental catastrophes.

Such was the ferocity and scope of the destruction that virtually nothing remained.

 But as shown above, evidence has been coming to light.

As this evidence slowly accumulates, it is becoming increasingly clear that man has had a far more glorious past than the one that has been painted by modern archaeology.

  “In the early 1970s, French scientists noticed something odd about samples of uranium recovered from the Oklo mine in Gabon, West Africa.

 All atoms of a specific chemical element have the same chemical properties, but may differ in weight; these different weights of an element are known as isotopes.

 Some uranium samples from Gabon had an abnormally low amount of the isotope U-235, which can sustain a chain reaction. 

This isotope is rare in nature, but in some places, the uranium found at Oklo contained only half the amount of the isotope that should have been there.
Scientists from other countries were skeptical when first hearing of these natural nuclear reactors. 

Some argued that the missing amounts of U-235 had been displaced over time, not split in nuclear fission reactions. 

"How," they asked, "could fission reactions happen in nature, when such a high degree of engineering, physics, and acute, detailed attention went into building a nuclear reactor?"
Perrin and the other French scientists concluded that the only other uranium samples with similar levels of the isotopes found at Oklo could be found in the used nuclear fuel produced by modern reactors.

 They found that the percentages of many isotopes at Oklo strongly resembled those in the spent fuel generated by nuclear power plants, and, therefore, reasoned that a similar natural process had occurred.

…. The uranium in the Earth contains dominantly two uranium isotopes, U-238 and U-235, but also a very small percentage of U-234, and perhaps small, undetectable amounts of others.

 All of these isotopes undergo radioactive decay, but they do so at different rates. In particular, U-235 decays about six-and-a-third times faster than U-238.

 Thus, over time the proportion of U-235 to U-238 decreases. But this change is slow because of the small rates of decay.
Generally, uranium isotope ratios are the same in all uranium ores contained in nature, whether found in meteorites or in moon rocks.

 Therefore, scientists believe that the original proportions of these isotopes were the same throughout the solar system. 

At present, U-238 comprises about 99.3 percent of the total, and U-235 comprises about 0.7 percent.5 5 Any change in this ratio indicates some process other than simple radioactive decay.
Calculating back to 1.7 billion years ago—the age of the deposits in Gabon—scientists realized that the U-235 there comprised about three percent of the total uranium.

 This is high enough to permit nuclear fission's to occur, providing other conditions are right.”

The are calling this "natural" but is it really?

Scientists estimate the Oklo reactors would have had samples with roughly 3.6% uranium-235 — that’s close to the enrichment threshold of modern nuclear reactors.

Putting things into perspective, the average power produced by the 2-billion-year-old nuclear reactor is around 100 kilowatts, or at least that’s what researchers believe.

Researchers now know that around 2 billion years ago, the nuclear reactor located at Oklo began operation “spontaneously.”

The interesting part is that this nuclear reactor continued operating in a stable manner for up to one million years, but how is this possible? What trigger this incredible phenomena?

More interestingly, most of the products of the nuclear fission were safely contained for two billion years, meaning that extreme conditions which had to be more than “perfect” had to be met in order to allow something like this to happen.

 Researchers hypothesized in the 1950’s that nuclear reactors may have operated on the ancient Earth in the distant past.

  For nuclear reaction to occur, specific conditions must be met. 

Here are four conditions which must be met in order for a stable natural nuclear reactor to develop:

1. The natural uranium ore must have a high uranium content and must have a thickness (at least ~2/3 of a meter) and geometry that increase the probability of spontaneous, natural fission in uranium-238 inducing a self-sustaining fission reaction in uranium-235.

2. The uranium must contain significant amount of fissionable uranium-235.

3. There must be a moderator, something that can slow down the neutrons produced when uranium fissions.

4. There must not be significant amounts of neutron-absorbing elements (such as silver or boron), which would inhibit a self-sustaining nuclear reaction, in the vicinity of the uranium.

Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, former head of the United States Atomic Energy Commission and Nobel Prize winner for his work in the synthesis of heavy elements, pointed out that for uranium to “burn” in a reaction, conditions must be exactly right.

 For example, the water involved in the nuclear reaction must be extremely pure. 

Even a few parts per million of contaminant will “poison” the reaction, bringing it to a halt.

 The problem is that, no water that pure exists naturally anywhere in the world.

Someone had done this deliberately it would seem!

There is absolutely nothing "natural" about this ancient nuclear reactor.

All accounts of this Oklo mine in Gabon, West Africa make the claim that it was "Natural" but how could it be without "pure" water. 

Nature doesn't provide pure water.

Why did the reactors not explode?

How come the nuclear reactions were kept in check and how?

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