Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Your Political Facebook Posts Aren't Changing How Your Friends Think (

I go to Dick Church's Restaurant for coffee sometimes.

As I sit at the counter there are a few people tapping away at their cell phones.

They are working "Twitter" and "Facebook" spewing out their venom about their political opinions of whom ever they are opposing running for office.

Turns out their efforts do nothing much...


It may be hard to resist airing political grievances or appealing to voters on social media during a U.S. presidential race as heated as this one. 

 But no one wants to hear about your politics, least of all on Facebook.

 Those long rants about how Trump is a bully and a buffoon, Hillary is a crook, and conspiring against Bernie Sanders has doomed America forever aren't changing voters' minds, a new study found. 

A staggering 94% of Republicans, 92% of Democrats, and 85% of independents on Facebook say
they have never been swayed by a political post, according to Rantic, a firm that sells social media followers. 

The firm surveyed 10,000 Facebook users who self-identified as Republicans, Democrats, or independents. 

The only thing those opinionated election posts are doing is damaging your friendships. 

Nearly one-third of Facebook users surveyed said social media is not an appropriate forum for political discussions. 

And respondents from each political affiliation admitted they've un-friended people on Facebook because of their political posts.


The same can be said about 911 and Chemtrails.

No one seems to be able to change the opinions of another.

They quote sources and data.

Using what ever links support their objective.

But the truth is all of the media outlets so often report untrue or incomplete information as science.

(Expletive warning: John cusses)

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