Monday, September 12, 2016

NASA Shares Curiosity's New Mars Photos (

"Curiosity is making us  satisfied by showing us some of the most amazing vistas we have ever seen on Mars," reports NASA. 

On the web site for their Mars Science Lab, they're sharing mission updates, but also all the raw photos as they're transmitted back by their Curiosity rover, which is traveling up a Martian mountain. "The plan so far has been to drive about 1/3 mile, stop to drill and drive again sampling the layers of the mountain as Curiosity makes her way up."
Curiosity is trying to determine whether Mars ever had environments capable of supporting simple life forms.

 NASA points out that it took Curiosity four years to reach its current location, joking about one wall of layered sandstone, "Wait, is this Utah or Mars?"

 Curiosity is a car-sized robotic rover exploring Gale Crater on Mars as part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission (MSL). 

As of September 10, 2016, Curiosity has been on Mars for 1456 sols (1496 total days) since landing on August 6, 2012.

We have  a lot of stuff up there on Mars!

Using pure logic one has to wonder why our expenditure of so much money to explore Mars.

What is the great motivator that spurs on NASA to explore Mars?

Could it be that they have indeed discovered stuff up there that is classified and kept from the public?

It is always amazing to me that all of the photos always seem fuzzy when people are trying to show that there is stuff up there on Mars that NASA covers up.

Someone will show a fuzzy photo on YouTube and say, "there's your proof, they are hiding this stuff from you," when all you get to see is some more fuzzy photos!

It is kind of like this:

What we see:
 What they say it really is:

What we see:
 What they say it really is:
This is obviously a friendly space inhabitant of Mars:
And this is his also happy animal friend:
They say that this guy is really a building of some sort:
And that this chicken is really a church:
And that this chicken is a house:

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