Wednesday, September 14, 2016

So Whose Play Book Do You Think Is Being Utilized?

First off, I am not a very political kind of a guy.

(Yes I do have my own opinion on things and yes some of my friends put me in certain political boxes and label me so that every thing is neat and tidy in their minds.)

I also am not even a fan of Hillary or Trump.

It doesn't matter that much to me when it comes to presidential elections and such.

Having said that I want to share something very interesting that I came across today.

Now I am not sharing this because I am against this person.

I am sharing it because of the eerie similarities and the implications that it infers to me personally.

Surely this is no coincidence.

What gave one man control and unlimited power can just possibly give another man the same.

If you are an honest person and not polarized for "your team," but a neutral observer, you will get the importance of this right away.

As for the polarized team players, you will most likely not even see what is being pointed out because of your own "Team filters."

You can explain pure logic to some people until your blue in the face and they can not just get it because of their filters.

Check this out folks, this is very real, see if you see what I see!

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